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So I got tagged by my fren FandomFanaticForever
So ye.

Hope you enjoy!

1) brown

2) mmmmmm.... my lack of self confidence/esteem (is that two?)

3) Okay so funny story, my friends and I (MADDYLIKEBUTTER, FandomFanaticForever, cailey_birb, Pieza321 AshIsTrash_  and more) have this long long backstory that involves a group chat bunker (don't question it) soooo I'd probably make that my dream home with all my frens living with me

4) Hades. He's a good guy.

5) I love Haikyuu (duh) and it's opening, one version of it I have stuck in my head a lot 😅😫

6) One fun fact I guess is I can kick a soccer ball 35 mph?  I'm not kidding I actually measured it with a speed gun thing

7) I don't really cook, I'm pretty simple when it comes to making food.  Warming up pasta, cutting up some strawberries and bananas, and I'm good to go

8) My favorite VA is probably Kristen Schaal (gotta love Bob's Burgers/Gravity Falls amirite?)

9) One best fren I've known for eight years (cailey_birb)
One I've known for 7-8 years is FandomFanaticForever and one I've known for 5 but she doesn't have a Wattpad account 😂

10) I love The Beatles!!

11) Soccer is my favorite sport ☺️

12) I've done my top five favorite YouTubers in my chapter "About The Author"

13) Does Jumin Han is Gay?
Sure?? He sounds familiar but idk who he is. I'm guessing K-pop or BTS (don't kill meh if I'm wrong plez)

I've done a lot of tagging during this, wow...

Here's are two peeps who I think are kewl and I nominate them to do this next :D (only if you want)


I know this is just a headcannon book and it's not really personal in any way, but idk I always love to read about the authors.  Sooooooooo if it's annoying... I'm sorry :D

A new headcannon will come out soon I promise ☺️


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