Pick up lines

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Bold is the person being flirted on

"Are you McDonald's? 'Cause I'm loving it."

"You dropped something!"
What did I drop?
*points to ground*
Your standards!

Hey are you catnip? Cause I'm crazy for you.

I'm a good photographer, and I can picture you and me together.

Oikawa-I study aliens, but man, you're out of this world

Idk man who- Are you a part of
.00000001% of the human population? Because I actually enjoy your presence.

Bokuto- did you sit on a pile of sugar, cause you got a sweet ass.

Last time Asahi did a pick up line he just passed out from embarrassment

FandomFanaticForever and Pieza321 helped me with this, please go check them out! We are all really good frens in real life.
They both also have really cool books in which some I am apart of, so check them out!

I cringed so much while making these

Bai! <3

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