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     Kastaria couldn't meet the eyes of Damien, she felt bad for accusing him of killing Mark but at the same time, he shouldn't have accused her either.

     "I'm sorry for accusing you and your brother of murder," Damien apologized as the lightning struck but the two ignored it, "it was wrong of me, I didn't know how close you two were with Mark, I thought maybe you weren't close with him."

     "You were wrong," Kastaria crossed her arms, not out of annoyance but in a way of holding herself, still she couldn't look him in the eye.

     "Kastaria, look at me," Damien ordered but she didn't move, "please."

       She was a bit surprised, Damien never pleaded, he didn't like to but now he was, she took a deep breath as she looked at him, he walked over to her and set his cane against the table so he didn't have to hold it at this moment.

      "I never meant to hurt you, I actually care a lot about you. That night... The Colonel had hit your brother and when he did he actually pushed you on the ground, but before you could hit the ground, I had caught you... I decided that you needed to go to sleep, I picked you up and carried you up to your room... I don't know what your relationship was with Mark, he was manipulative sometimes and maybe he made you feel like he cared. I don't know... But I have to tell you something..." Damien seemed nervous, that never happens.

      "Thank you for taking me to my room, Damien," Kastaria thanked him, "maybe you shouldn't say what you want to say, maybe it isn't right."

     "Maybe it isn't... But I don't care, I need to say it," Damien took a deep breath, "I've been told that I need someone to help me run things, a partner of sorts and I thought I couldn't find that person but... I think I have."

      "Who is it?" Kastaria was convinced in her brain that it was Y/N but when he gave her a long look it clicked, "oh..."

     "Say something other than 'oh', please, its hard to figure out how you feel," Damien pleaded.

     "I... I'm not sure what to say, I'm the city's investigator, I watch things and solve cases, I'm the other half of my brother. And you asking me to help you lead this town, that's a big responsibility, Damien." Kastaria didn't understand what he really meant by this confession...

     Damien looked down before deciding what to do, suddenly he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her!

      In shock, Kastaria didn't know how to react, for a long time she didn't know how she felt about Damien, did she like him? She had a weird feeling when he was friendly with Y/N... She was jealous of Y/N, that had to be the feeling... She had an attraction to Mark, yes but she... She liked Damien more than a friend and this time, he liked her back.

      Damien pulled away but didn't let go of her,  "I didn't make this choice lightly, Kastaria, I actually started to like you when I first met you at that interview with the Jim twins and when I met you again at that meeting... My feelings grew. And when I saw you here at the party I just... Well, I was nervous because I didn't plan on telling you so I acting hostile which is strange for me. I couldn't keep the hostile act up for long and soon I showed you my compassion and I will always be there for you if you allow me," he took a breath before continuing, "I want you to stand with me and lead this town as the Mayor's lady, together... I want you to share everything with me, to be my other half, to be mine."

      Kastaria just breathed out and decided her answer, "yes."

       "Yes?" Damien seemed shocked like he didn't expect that answer.

      "Yes, I'll be yours as long as you'll be mine," she told him and he smiled nodding before kissing her again and this time she kissed him back.

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