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SO... That's a wrap! So, I was a bit nervous posting this but I got some help from another writer who did a book on Who Killed Markiplier also; their name is: FlamingFriendship and the link to their account where you can find their book is here: 


The reason why I'm telling you guys about this user is that this story was obviously inspired by 'Who Killed Markiplier' but it was also inspired by their story and I actually had the courage to publish this is because of them and I'm so thankful, so check out their book!

So, I want to kind of explain the ending of C O N T R O L 

One, Kastaria and Control, they are the same person but at the same time not. Control is Kastaria's dark side that comes out whenever she is emotional and the Darkness in the House only helped Control really come out. And when Mark killed Kastaria, Control brought her back with the power of the necklace which I'll explain next. 

Two, the necklace, the necklace is a power to bring people back to life and Mark gave this to Kastaria when he still trusted her. I think him finding out that she fell for Damien really pissed him off and I don't think he realized that she had the necklace on when he killed her. Of course, Mark got his comupense, thanks to Damien/Dark.

Three, Abe wanting revenge, in the new EPILOGUE Abe talked about how he wanted revenge and he even quit his job to do so. He was ready to hunt down the Colonel because he believed the Colonel killed Kastaria. 

Four, so I pretty much made a new ending and it was a cliffhanger, yes Kastaria died and she came back. She didn't feel like herself so she let go of Kastaria Daniels and she instead became C O N T R O L. Who could be called her Alterego.

Okay so, I may make a sequel but only after Mark makes another installment to the series, I will be following his lead so you all are gonna have to wait for that. Hehe, don't worry it'll be all good, I promise.

Anyways, that's it, I hope you enjoyed the book, I love you guys for making this possible, and I will see you guys later...


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