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      Everyone stopped when a woman dressed in black came in, Kastaria pulled her arm away from Damien and went to her brother, she pushed the Colonel back from her Brother with a glare who just glared back but put his eyes on the woman.

     "What are you doing?!" The woman asked.

     "Who the hell are you?" Abe asked.

     "What are you doing here?" Kastaria joined his questioning.

     "Celine," both siblings looked at the Colonel, "what are you doing here?" his voice softened at the woman which confused Kastaria.

     "Celine," Abe mocked the name, "how the hell do you know her?" His questions made the Colonel point his gun at him again.

     "Madam, I'm afraid you've come at a very inopportune time," Benjamin spoke up making the Colonel point his gun at him, "something dreadful has happened here."

     "I can see that and I'm glad I got here before it got any worse," Celine spoke up, something about her made Kastaria confused... She felt a bit suspicious of her like she couldn't trust her, weirdly it was the same feeling she had when she met Damien...

     "This is the only the tip of the Iceberg," Chef spoke up as put up a finger, "and its a big iceberg... How can I put this delicately... MARK'S FUCKING DEAD!"

     Kastaria slapped herself in the head from how undelicate his explanation was...

     "What?" The woman sounded like she was sad but it also sounded like a fake sadness which really confused her.

     "Dead like my hopes and dreams," Chef muttered looking down, "and he's a flesh-eating zombie!"

     "Homo-Necrosis!" Celine said.

     "Exactly, hence the guns!" Colonel agreed.

     "That is not hence the guns!" Abe hissed at him waving his own gun around.

     "Stop waving those bloody guns around!" Benjamin yelled making both Colonel and Abe wave their guns in his face whilst the Chef waved his Spoon as well.

     "Can we all just calm down, please!" Kastaria pleaded she was getting sick of this, "just answer my question: what are you doing here?" she asked Celine.

     Celine looked the Investigator up and down before speaking, "we haven't met, I'm Celine and you are..."

     "Kastaria, I'm the Investigator here," Kastaria answered giving Celine a distrusting look, Celine seemed appalled by the fact that Kastaria didn't trust her...

     "Okay then... Can someone tell me what happened? How did Mark... Die?" Celine asked.

     "It was murder," Damien's voice seemed to spook them all since they all jumped, they had forgotten he was there, they all looked over to him as he walked over, he touched Kastaria's arm smiling at her a bit before turning his attention to Celine, "and worse yet... The body is missing."

     "What? Show me... And don't say that word!" Celine told them.

     "What word?" Chef asked, "Murder?" Suddenly Lightning struck again.

      "Yes, that word!" Maybe she was onto something, Kastaria was starting to see how she could maybe trust this woman.

     "Well, Murder," lightning struck again, "is a rather accurate description of what occurring-" Suddenly Benjamin was cut off by Celine hitting him over the head.

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