Cagney Carnation x Reader! Part 1

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The sun hit my face as I was exploring into the forest. It was indeed a warm summer afternoon to go outside. I spend most of my time in the woods searching for the most beautiful flowers to make flower crowns or just to simply have them in my hair. Nature was always so beautiful with the bright and magnificent colors and the calming music of chirping birds. Today it seemed quiet. Maybe a little too quiet. But that didn't bother me. I found a bush of deep red roses (or any other flowers you prefer). Without hesitation, I picked them, ready to begin making yet another flower crown. These roses were the perfect size too! Must be my lucky day!

I smiled, weaving the roses carefully, even though some of the petals fell onto my hair, the crown looked really beautiful. I wore it proud of my work. I was about to leave until I heard shots being fired in the distance. A bad feeling was felt in my chest. A mixture of fear, but curiosity... I followed the sound being as cautious as possible. The sound was getting louder as I drew near. I hid behind a shrub as I peeked out from some of the green leaves. My brows rose as I saw two cups. One has a red and white straw sticking out of his head as he wore red shorts. The other cup had almost the same details, except with a bigger nose with blue on him instead of red. Blue bullets or cylinder shaped orbs were emerging from their finger tips. They were aiming at a huge flower with orange petals. He looked intimidating, but my... I seen beautiful flowers, but not as attractive and admiring as this one.

I kept low as I watched them fight. I heard rumors of a tall flower by the name of Cagney Carnation, but I didn't think he would be here in all places. Maybe this might be him?

Cagney's leafy hands gripped a few orange petals ready to rip them out of his head from frustration. I silently watched as he grew bigger and scarier looking. His teeth became sharper and his eyes grew more menacing. A few roots with thorns sprouted out of the ground and was trying to catch the two cups with the spiky thorn vines, but they were too fast for Cagney's attacks. I feel bad just sitting here and watching him get attacked like this! I had to do something! I averted my eyes around to see what I could use to throw at the cups. A rock was resting in the grass next to my foot, which gave me the idea to pick it up and toss it at one of the cups. I grabbed the cold stone and aimed it at the red cup. My arm drew back and then forwards as my fingers released the stone. I watched as it hit the red cup. The blue one took notice of this as wasn't paying attention from one of Cagney's attacks. The roots smacked the blue cup off the mushroom like platforms and joined the other cup on the ground. Cagney wrapped his roots around the two and tossed them south as they disappeared amount the trees. "EXTREME POLLINATION AND TOTAL DOMINATION!" Cackled Cagney as he watched the two disappear and out of sight. I sighed in relief as I adjusted my flower crown to fit a bit better on my head.

Something wrapped around my leg as I felt my body being dragged from the bushes. I yelped as I was held upside down from my left leg facing Cagney himself. I felt my shirt move down as it revealed my stomach, but not close enough for my... ahem... chest to be exposed. His menacing eyes flared down at me.

"How many pests must I have to deal with today?!" He hissed. He looked ready to toss me away like he did with the two cups.

I shook my head in fear. "N-No! I'm not here to harm you, Cagney! I helped you get rid of the two that were harming you!" I explained. His gaze didn't change until he looked at my stomach area. His cheeks were dusted with a red tint as he quickly looked away and shaking his head to get those thoughts out of his mind. His serious stare came back as he looked at my face this time.

"Did you now? How come?" His voice became a quieter tone.

"B-because..." I stammered, "I couldn't let them just hurt you like that! And... um.."

He was waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"I seen very beautiful flowers, but you are the most magnificent flower I have ever seen! I couldn't let those two destroy something so eye catching and breathe taking! Those two good for nothing cups think they can just destroy nature?!"

Cagney's expression was filled with surprise with his face flushed. No one has ever really told him all those nice things. He set me down gently before returning to his normal form I saw before.

He turned his head away trying to hide his fully flushed face. "I-I-I didn't need your help! You could've gotten injured!"

My chest felt heavy as soon as he said that. "Well... it was worth the risk..."

His head turned back to me as he heard the sudden change in my voice. The sunlight fell onto my (s/c) skin. My irises twinkled in the light as the suns yellow rays mixed in with the (e/c) in my eyes and made the color of the roses stand out as I kept my eyes glued to him.
"Sorry that I bothered you. I will take my leave. Hopefully those two won't mess with you again. Have a good rest of the day..."

Cagney's eyes drooped as he heard those words come out of my mouth. I turned around ready to disappear behind the bushes of green leaves until I felt something lightly grab my arm.

"Wait..." Cagney sighed. "Please... stay."

My head turned towards the orange flower. He looked like he felt guilty. I sighed and nodded as my feet carried me back in front of the flower. My bottom sad down in the lush grass. With that, a wave of awkward silence.

"Soooo.." i tried to break the awkward silence, " who were those two anyway? I never seen them before." I asked.

Cagney crosses his arms and huffed. "Those two pests are so annoying! They are the cup brothers, Cuphead and Mugman. They are after my soul contract..."

"Soul contract? For the devil?" My brow rose. Cagney's head nodded.

"Why do they need your soul contract?"

"By what I heard going around, they made a deal with the devil himself. And they been going around collecting them. I heard they already got Hilda Berg and Goopy Le Grande."

"That's terrible..." I spoke quietly. "I never knew that was going on... at least now I know so I can be careful."

Cagney nodded as his eyes were completely glued onto me. "I know they will be back to cause more trouble again to get my soul contract. And if they do... the devil will get my soul..."

"Well I won't let them!" I crossed my arms and furrowed my brows.

Cagney store at me with the same crimson spreading across his face. The way you acted was adorable to him, but he didn't show it. "Y-You wont?" Wh-why?? I can handle things myself just fine!"

I smiled up at him. "Because even though we just kinda met, I already consider you as a friend. And I won't let anyone harm my friends under ANY circumstances." The sun peeked back from the clouds as the light shined on my skin and Cagney's bright orange petals. My eyes glimmered in the light.

(3rd person POV )
Cagney was speechless. He was still confused on why you would go all this way to protect him, but also on how he was feeling. The way the sun gleamed onto you made him feel butterflies inside. It brought out your features and ever made you look so beautiful. The way the red flowers were in your hair, the way your eyes sparkled in the sun, something inside him sprout something new. He wasn't sure how to necessarily take it, but he wasn't sure if he liked this feeling.

As the day went on, Cagney and you talked until it was time for you to head home. Saying your goodbyes, you didn't want to really leave the flower, and he didn't want you to leave either. You made plans to see him the next day as you left looking back at him a few times.

"Wait!" He called out. You turned back, jogging back to the flower. "Yes?"

"I... didn't get to know your name..."

"My name is (Y/n)! Sorry I forgot to mention that!" You introduced.

"Y/n..." Your name lingered in his head. "What a pretty name..."

This time you left as Cagney  hated to see you go, but he knew you would be back tomorrow at least. He enjoyed your presence, unlike others.

(Welp that's done lol hope you enjoyed cx )

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