🎲King Dice x Reader

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(( so, since a lot of people requested a King Dice x Reader, I decided to do so lol. Since some people don't like lemons, I will post the non-lemony Oneshots first for now on and then do the lemons lol I feel like that would be fair))

Your arm was gripped by my drunk friend, (F/n) (friends name), as he busted through the doors of the casino. Scent of smoke and booze filled your senses as cards shuffled, people playing pool, laughing and the sound of rolling dice rang in your ears. You tried to convince your friend that it would be better to go home, but they were too drunk to even listen causing you to feel a little irritated.

"H-Hey, (Y/n)... Imm gona be overrr therrrrr..." (F/n) wobbled, almost tripping over their own feet as they headed to a poker table. And with that you were left by yourself in the giant casino. You weren't much of a gambler, but learned some games as you seen your friend gamble or if they needed an extra player.

You shyly made your way over to the bar, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. Most people were either too drunk or just straight up rude here. You sat down on the cushion of the stool. A few other people were sitting there sipping on some booze or champagne. You patiently waited as a bar tender was politely assisting a man.

You felt something make contact with your hand having your head snapping next to you. A middle aged man that had a strong smell of booze laid his hand on top of yours. "Hey sweetheart~"

Quickly, you pulled your hand away from his with (e/c) irises glaring at the man.

"Oh, come oooon baby~ Don't be like that~" it was clear as day this man was drunk causing your poor heart to beat fast. "Leave me alone." Your voice low and irritated. The guy grimaced, not liking the answer he got. He stood up from the red stool grabbing you by the waist making your whole body tense up from how close he was.

"Are you sure about that toots? I can show you a good time~" Your hands shoved the man off you with all the force you had. He stumbled back as he fell straight onto his bottom. A few glances from some citizens made their way over to the scene.

"Aye, nice way of picking up chicks!" Another man joked. The guy that had been pushed to the floor looked embarrassed and angry. He got up with his hands forming into fists. "You stupid whore!"

You glared while your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. He started to make his way over. closing your eyes tight with your tensed body waiting for him to get this stupid thing over with. You waited and nothing happened. Your eyes opened to see a taller dapper man standing in front of you with his head square shaped resembling dice. Your head looked passed to see the drunk moron grimacing up at the man.

"I would like to ask you to calm it down or take your leave out the door." The taller guy pointed over his shoulder with his thumb aiming to the door. His voice sounded very masculine for someone like him. The drunk man was about to protest until he finally stomped away somewhere else in the casino.

The dapper fellow spun around greeting you with a smile. He bowed and lightly brought your small hand up to his lips. You felt your ears and cheeks grow warm, shoulders tensing again. He seemed to have noticed you were acting peculiar as he rose up, but shrugged it off assuming you were still shook up from the incident. He was extremely taller than you, maybe 6 ft or around that height. His fancy lavender suit was definitely made with fine high quality material and must've costed a fortune!

"My eyes are up here, hun~" he chuckled as he caught your staring eyes quickly averting them up at the man. His jade green eyes met with your (e/c) ones. Your (s/c) face heated up feeling like it was on fire. His smirk grew larger at the reaction, which was only making your blushing face worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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