Cagney Carnation x Reader part 2

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[Part twooooo woop! Tbh Cagney is my favorite boss lol what's yours? :) ]

(Y/n) POV

I jogged back to my house after meeting Cagney. Even if he seemed hostile, I couldn't think of anything else but him. He truly was an attractive flower, I must say. A breeze blew through my (h/l) (h/c) hair as the sun was setting a variety of pinks, oranges, and yellows. I arrived on the front porch of my home. I sat my bottom in the step and stared at the sky. It started to get a little cooler in the air, but that didn't stop me from gazing at the beautiful sunset.

It felt as if the sunset would last forever, but sadly it didn't. The sky was painted with bright twinkly stars and a glowing full moon to illuminate its light down on the world. I must've been outside for a few hours though it felt like minutes. Deciding it was time to go inside, I was just about to twist the doorknob until the familiar sounds of firing and shooting could be heard through the air.

"Oh no... those two are back!" I quickly ran down my porch, almost tripping over my own feet. I jumped over rocks, large sticks, anything that was an obstacle. I hoped I would get back to Cagney before it was too late! I followed the noise as it got louder and louder the closer I got. I jumped through the shrubs to appear back into Cagney'a Garden. There were those pesky cups again, firing off the strange bullets from their gloved fingers. As both of the boys were firing, their bullets bounced all over the place, some even landing near me.

Cagney looked over to see me present. "(Y/n)?! Get out of here! Now!" He warned almost making my heart beat out of my chest.


I turned towards the two cups as the shouting came from them. My eyes widened to feel my body be shoved back with force followed by a yell of pain from a burning sensation on my left shoulder. My body slammed against the lush grass. My vision grew blurry until all I could see was darkness swallow everything in sight.

Cagney's POV

I couldn't speak at that moment. I watched as (Y/n)'s body fell onto the ground. Cuphead and Mugman both covered their mouths, though Mugman was the most worried. Mugman ran over to (Y/n) as Cuphead followed. I watched as my shock turned into pure rage. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" I shouted at them. They both stopped dead in their tracks. "YOU WANT MY SOUL CONTRACT?? FINE! TAKE IT AND NEVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN!"

I tossed my contract at the two boys. They looked at it and at each other. I growled as I started to grow impatient. "WELL? GET OUT OF HERE!"

"B-but what about the girl? We wanna help!" Protested Cuphead as he knelt down to her side.

I dug my roots into the ground aiming for them. My green and thorny roots wrapped around both of their legs. "She is NONE of your concern! NOW LEAVE!" Without hesitation, my vines drew back and flung both of the cups forwards into the air again and out of my sight. I quickly turned my attention to the human girl still lying in the grass. "(Y-Y/n)??"

No answer. She laid motionless in the moonlight. I carefully wrapped my vines around her lifting her body off the ground and over to me. There was a burn on her (s/c) shoulder. I felt a wave of panic serge through me as I wrapped a vine around her wrist. I waited until I did find a pulse. She must be unconscious...

"Those damned cup boys! It's my fault... I wasn't quick enough to even save her..."

I didn't even know how much time I have. I had to give them my contract otherwise they would keep coming back for it. The devil is going to take my soul. Who knows? Next time (Y/n) might not be so lucky either.

"Y-you idiot... why would you ever take the risk for me?" I quietly said under my breathe while my eyes were glued to her. Even the moonlight makes her stand out, not just the sun.

I gently sat her down in front of me onto the grass. I couldn't peel my eyes off of her no matter how hard I tried to. The way she looks in the moonlight- NO STOP! Why am I having feelings like this?? I don't even know what I'm feeling. Why so sudden too?! My face felt as hot as a warm summer's day. I looked down at her once more. "Humans (or whatever species you are lol) are peculiar creatures... I hope I'm still here when she wakes up."

(I'm sorry this is really short, but I think I might redo the whole Cagney chapters since idk if I like them or not. Even tho I have a lot of ideas for this idk if it would be good enough. Next up is King dice x Reader lemon!)

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