Beppi X Reader

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(Requested by @red_star89

The carnival was always my favorite place to go. There's food, games, rides, all the fun stuff a carnival would have! Mostly I went to visit a good friend of mine named Beppi The Clown. We have been pretty good friends for awhile. I remember the first time me and him met...

~le flashback~
My body felt tired as I was surrounded by smiling citizens and the sound of a popcorn machine making delicious and buttery popcorn. I sat down at a bench to rest my aching feet. Today was horrible. It was supposed to be me and a couple of friends to hang out with, but they bailed on me since they had to attend to "important business". With that I was left alone in the carnival to do fun things myself. It would've been fun if they stayed. Darkness was settling over the sky, making the multicolored lights shine brightly as they reflected in my (e/c) eyes and illuminated onto my skin. Frustration buzzed around in my head. I had enough of just feeling like this, it's my dumb friends fault. If they didn't just leave, I would've had a good time.

I stood up from the bench and decided to start walking home. I lived fairly close, so at least it wouldn't be a hassle to get back to my house. The exit was in sight having a relieved sigh escape my lips. Well... maybe another day will be different."

I felt a strong force shove my shoulder with something cold and wet make contact with my skin. I looked the the right to see a large man that didn't look very happy to see me. Realizing what happened from the ice cream covered on my (f/c) shirt, I quickly apologized to the man.

"Sorry? Sorry?! I don't think sorry is going to cut it, toots." His strong and intimidating voice shot through me like an arrow. Great. My friends bailed on me, I have ice cream on my shirt, and now this man is angry at me. What else could go wrong?! I offered the man to give him some coins to get a new ice cream cone, but he refused only screaming at me more. Afraid he would get violent, I backed away slowly until my back hit a wooden wall with the roller coaster speeding above with joyful hollers from the passengers. I felt tears prick my eyes as I watched him draw closer and closer. I closed my eyes as tight as I could, waiting to get smacked, hit, or whatever he was going to do.

"Hey! Leave her be!" A voice called out. I slowly opened my eyes to see red, blue, and some white. A man that resembled a clown stood between me and the large guy. "And what are you going to do? Throw a pie in my face? Hahaha!" The large man mocked as he held his humongous stomach and chuckled at his own joke.

The clown huffed and took a balloon out of his top hat and blew into it as it shaped into a brown dogs head. "Sick em!"

The dog ballon developed large teeth and looked a lot more menacing as it quickly floated near the guy trying to snap at him. The fat man's eyes grew wide with fear as his large legs ran away while the dog balloon chased after him.

I blinked a few times trying to process what just happened as the clown cackled at the sight of the dog almost snapping the man's behind. "Now that's funny!" The clown turned his face towards me with a friendly smile. "Are you alright? Did that man hurt you?" He asked with concern walking over to me. I shook my head in response. "No he didn't, but thank you so much for helping me."

"He got what he deserved! How could someone ever try to harm such a cutie like yourself!" A playful chuckle escaped his mouth. My cheeks heated up from his comment. "Oh stop it!" I chuckled back.

He looked down at my shirt seeing where the ice cream spilled on me. He quickly looked away with pink tainted on his cheeks. "W-we should get you cleaned up..."

I noticed the large white ice cream stain on my chest and blushed in embarrassment trying to hide my face by looking the other way.

"Come with me! I can give you a clean t shirt if you want." The clown offered as he led me into the wooden shack. "O-Oh! You don't have to do that! You helped me enough already!"

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