Chapter 3

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Kaneki's POV

       I chuckled at the jokes Hide made on the way to my house. I knew that if Hide was not trying to joke around, there was something terribly wrong. I mean, I should know if he feels down, he is my best friend after all.

        As we arrived, I had to hand the bags over to Hide as for I had to get the key out of my pocket. As soon as I felt the cold metal brush against my finger, I grabbed it, putting it into the lock of the door to unlock my apartment.

       "Ah, home sweet home." I heard Hide let out a relaxed sigh.

       "What do you mean, 'home sweet home', Hide?" I gave a smug smirk, it's as expected for Hide to say it's like his home. We don't hang out as much, but he considers it as his own.

"What I mean to say is that your house is so relaxing. It's like my second home, ya know what I mean?" He gave me a bright smile, he's so cute.. Wait.. What am I saying? He's my best friend, I should not be thinking like that..

"Yeah, yeah.. I'll go put in a movie. Thor: Ragnarok?"

"Hell yeah!" Hide gave me another huge smile as he brought his bag of chips and his orange soda I bought him. I watched as he plopped down on the couch and opened his bag of chips. Sadly, I can't eat any of the snacks I bought, I guess I'll just have to go hunt for food later.

I chuckled softly, taking the movie out of the case and shoving it into the DVD player. I felt Hide's gaze on me, but I did not mind. I actually want him to keep staring at me.

As the movie started up, I sat right next to Hide and he moved closer to lay his head on my shoulder. My heart was beating faster for some unknown reason. I hoped this was not anything serious.

As the movie was halfway through, I heard soft snores on my right shoulder. I smiled, looking down at Hide and planted a kiss on his forehead. Getting comfortable, I grabbed a blanket to put it over us as I put my arm around Hide just to doze off..

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