Chapter 8

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.:: Hide's POV ::.

After I had returned to the living room after eating, I walked passed Kaneki and ruffled his hair. As I walked farther to go into the bathroom, I looked behind and saw that he was staring at me. Letting out a giggle, I went into the bathroom and closed the door.

As soon as I walked into the bathroom, I sat my hands on the sink and looked into the mirror.

"I really have to man up and take action towards my feelings for Kaneki. If I don't do this sooner, maybe I'll lose him.. And I don't want that." I mumbled to myself in a tone of annoyance towards myself. I then splashed my face with cold water.

While coming out of the bathroom, I took a deep breath. "I need to man up and do it now," I thought.

As I walked closer to where Kaneki was sitting on the couch and sat right next to him.
I gulped, looking down at the floor.

"Hey Kaneki.. I wanna tell you something.."
"Hide.. What's wrong? You seem nervous." He asked.

I hesitated for a second with a huge blush on my face, "Nothing.. So uh.. Kaneki.. I really like you.."

hehe, seems like i left you off at a cliffhanger! anyways, the last two chapters will all be hide's point of view. it's just hard to switch back and forth between point of views, but i'm so happy to be semi-back? i haven't updated in a year and i'm sorry! it happens i guess.

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