Chapter 4

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Hide's POV

I woke up, trying to turn my body in a comfortable position until I felt that I was laying on someone's chest. I slowly opened my eyes, as for if I opened them too fast the lights would blind me.

I looked up at who was laying with me and it was Kaneki, my best friend. I let out a soft chuckle, mainly because I should've expected it. I got up, feeling a little regretful because of not feeling his comfortable warmth anymore, and went to go make myself some breakfast.

As I made myself an omelette, I heard Kaneki get up from the couch we were laying on, I assumed he fell asleep while watching the movie like I did.

"Good morning, Kaneki! How did you sleep?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation.

As I was waiting for a reply, I put the finally finished omelette on a plate. The aroma from the omelette made me want to shove it all in my mouth at one time, but that would be unpleasant of me.

"I slept well, did you sleep okay? The couch usually isn't that comfortable."

I replied with a light hum, just to say that I did sleep well.

I sat down at the dining table and ate my omelette, I'm really surprised with how I made this. I'm not much of a cook, but I mean, it's better than nothing right?

"So.. Hide, how long do you plan on staying?"

I looked up to Kaneki with a huge face full of food, "It really depends on how long you want me to stay, Kaneki. Or, I could leave today like I was planning to. I did not really expect sleeping here and I haven't brought any clothes with me to stay for a while.."

Kaneki smiled, "Well, you could stay here for a week, I'll take off from work so we could hang out? If you have to, you could use my clothes to wear, too!"

I nodded with a huge smile, I should've expected that Kaneki would make me stay for at least a day, but turns out he's letting me be here for a week? It's really exciting for me, but that's because I really like him.

"Hide, I'll be back, I have to go buy some things alright?"

"Alright, come back safe!"

I chuckled, he's been doing that a lot more recently, but I think he goes out to get himself a snack because I usually eat all his food myself. I can't help that! I just really like eating, I suppose?

I watched as Kaneki retreated to his room to get ready as I finished up the rest of the omelette. As soon as he returned, he looked amazing, but then again, he always looks amazing, even stunning at most. "I'll see you when I get home, alright, Hide?"

"Yeah, of course Kaneki! See ya!" I slightly yelled so he could hear me.

As I looked down at the plate, I sighed and brought it to the sink so I could wash it. Since Kaneki left, I guess I could just sleep for at least a little bit, right?

When I finished up washing the plate, I took the blanket that was over me and Kaneki earlier and got myself in a comfortable position before I draped the blanket over me and took a nap.


A/N -

Sorry it takes so long for me to update! I get so unfocused while writing and I get small sparks of inspiration too, so it really does not help! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try writing a lot more frequently.

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