Chapter 5

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Hide's POV

I groaned as I turned from side to side. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked at the clock on the wall next to the TV. 'It's 2 PM already?! I didn't think I slept that long.' I sighed, getting up and looking around if Kaneki was home yet. Probably not, due to the possibility of I would've heard the door open and close. I decided to sit back down on the couch and just watch some TV.

After a while of waiting, I heard a door open and close. I turned to look at the door due to the suspicion of seeing if it was Kaneki or a intruder as you can never be so sure. I watched as Kaneki came inside and shut the door with a tired yawn. I let out a chuckle, he looked so cute tired. I decided to get up and walk over to Kaneki just to ruffle his hair.

Kaneki swatted my hand away as if it annoyed him, which was my main reason to do that. He has really cute facial expressions when he's annoyed which is a plus for me! I would love to annoy him more, but I really don't wanna get on his bad side. I laughed a bit before deciding to hug the poor guy. He looked like he was having a rough day, which I could understand. I wrapped my arms around Kaneki and took in his scent. He smelled like a coffee shop, which I can expect from him working at Anteiku almost all the time. He was very warm too, the type of warm you feel after being wrapped up in a blanket all day and not wanting to move.

I decided to try and pull away, but I didn't notice that Kaneki had his arms around my waist, just by noticing that small movement, my face turned bright red.

Kaneki let out a small chuckle. "You're cute," I heard him say which made me blush darker if that was possible. This made me confused, as we were not even dating nor was I sure that he liked me like that either. However, I didn't mind. I enjoy his attention.

I felt as Kaneki pulled away and I wished that he would've left his arms there longer. I sighed and went to grab the remote to switch the channel so I could play Kaneki's Nintendo Switch he has. As I started to do so and look for a game, Kaneki laid across the couch and watch me decide between the games. I chose The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I had to, I mean, The Legend of Zelda is my favorite game series, so why not? After putting in the cartridge to the switch, I played for the rest of the night, well before we went to sleep, with Kaneki guiding me along the way to get certain items and sometimes helping me with boss fights.


Hello! I finally updated!! I'm sorry I took so long, I just have no idea how I should write it, but from how many chapters I plan on doing, I plan on doing at least 5 more and some bonus chapters! So look out for those after I'm finished. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I kinda rushed it too while I was on the bus. Thank you for reading!


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