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This is weird.

I can't love you from afar anymore,

But I don't know how to love you up close.

What a strange and stupid predicament.

I don't know love the way you seem to, from the timbre of your voice

And the movement of your arms in gestures.

I've lived for myself all these years, not really caring

Who came or went, no matter how they planted their lips on my brain

Or took a hammer to a heart,

Or, sometimes, a whip to my back.

I was taught not to expect much out of love,

To scoff at those who did,

And to live without love on my mind.

But now that you're here, I can't do any of those things.

I can do this.

It's just a word, a phrase, a sentence

That will blossom into conversation.

Maybe I can't do this after all.

But there you are, a beacon of light in a dreary, gray-soaked world.

I have a million words for your beauty,

Your grace, your strength, your cunning.

Not one of them will fall off my tongue.

I have to force them off, somehow,

If that's the way to reveal my undying admiration for you.

We've spoken before, but not quite like this.

Your eyes meet mine

And I have nowhere to run.

It's just a word, a phrase, a sentence.

Just say hello.

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