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So, you want it to be over?

Fine. Fuck you.

It's not me, it's you?

You're damn right.

I've been nothing but a blessing,

But you treat me like a curse.

Fuck you.

I am packed tight with rage.

I inhale fire and let it seep through my lungs.

It's the only thing I feel

Because you, sovereign ruler of all motherfuckers on this lonely planet, want to send me off

Without shame, without remorse.

Go on, darling, give me your crocodile tears.

They won't change a thing, not now.

I'm done with your lying, cheating ass.

I wouldn't wish you on anybody.

You're a disease to all humankind. Fuck you.

You don't love me.

I wonder if you ever did,

But I should be too through with your shit to care.

I'm through with everything about you. Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you, too.

You don't love me?

Bitch, why don't you love me?

Why did you leave me wanting to know for so long?

I could've been stomping all over your sorry ass by now.

You didn't love me.

I know you didn't.

I still have to ask why.

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