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There are no words holier than yours, my love,

No dictates stronger, no legends more fascinating.

No jealous demigod from bedrooms past can displace you,

For you are the god of love,

And you are love itself.

You sweep through hallways and laugh without restraint;

You pluck the Sun from the night sky and unveil the moon at sunset.

You radiate in my blood and feed my soul

With the embrace of your arms, the surge of your tongue between my lips.

I once was lost, but you found my heart

And relieved the fear that pulsed from it;

I once was blind to love, but I saw you

And now can only see love forever.

You must have known you could do this,

Outsmart a calloused mind and satisfy an insatiable spirit.

It's mysterious, this hold you have over me,

This way that you wrap me around your finger.

Did you ever question your abilities?

I never did.

It was only a matter of time before you brought me to my knees.

The human ideal of holiness is alive in you,

And I pray at your altar, daily and nightly,

Your blessing soaking me from head to toe.

Your voice is pure and true and good,

Your touch healing to the depths of my soul,

Your love something cosmic and chaotic,

Orderly and realer than myself.

I didn't believe in rebirth until you arrived

And baptized me in tears that once flowed freely.

I am reincarnated in a body of joy

And half of my words are, "Amen."

I believe in you, my darling.

Your love has made a believer out of a skeptic,

A singer of praises out of a scoffer.

What have you done to me?

You have made me whole.

There aren't enough words to describe your power,

Not enough portraits to paint of your beauty,

Nothing is enough except for you.

Nothing, no one.

You are worthy of praise, sweet and darling Aphrodite.

You are enough.

I call you Aphrodite because you are the image of love I have always needed,

You are sincerity and trust and affection, sex and charity, divine connection.

And, yet, you are even more than her,

For she is a statue, a painting, and you are flesh and blood,

God turned human,

A dream come true.

You have brought me to paradise.

How can I ever repay you?

I can start by shouting your name from rooftops and preaching your word,

For you give me the courage to tell the world these sacred truths:

That my Aphrodite is strength incarnate,

With arms that hold closely, feet that walk on air,

Legs that carry through deserts, hands that wield pens with dignity.

My Aphrodite, my love, is wise and true,

Fiercer than a thunderstorm, brighter than a rainbow.

My Aphrodite's wild flame flickers and expands

Until my skin is scorched, my being melted with tenderness and compassion.

With waves that crash across my hips like tsunamis,

Kisses that crack the fault lines in my stomach,

High waters that drown my mind with that smooth, sweet voice,

My Aphrodite keeps the love of this world guarded in clouds and sunlit jars,

Only sharing it with a chosen muse, a faithful companion.

My darling Aphrodite, until I fade into dust I will be at your side.

I will serve you, crave you, taste you, feel you, love only you,

For you are the god of love,

And you are love itself.

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