Chapter 1: Davy Jones Locker, Again

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Bellatrix heard a drunk pirate singing. Where there is a pirate there is a ship. It was perfect, just what she needs to sail away from wherever she was, to her destiny and to take revenge. But first, she had to kill him, which shouldn't be too hard. She finally saw it through the haze. A dark ship with black banners hanging on the main mast. And of course, it's a pirate ship so there were the obvious skulls on the banners warning death. Since when would death deter Bellatrix Lestrange though? She walked much longer than it should have taken to get to the ship. Wherever she was, time and distance just felt different. It had taken her hours, or what she assumed were hours, to get to the ship which was a beauty up close by the way. It should have been night fall by now. But instead, she had to suffer through the sand, the dry wind, and the killing heat. And if you're wondering why I didn't try to travel using a wonderful travel spell, trust me I did. My wand just seemed out of whack. It just felt like a piece of wood, almost as if it had died. And don't even ask me about Transfiguring. When I tried, I just stood there sounding and probably looking quite constipated. It's like magic was gone, at least my magic. I could still feel magic but it was different, not like my magic, maybe not even magic at all. But there was something odd going on. He was oddly still singing his song, and i realized it was about rum the closer i got. Thankfully though, he hadn't seen me. I carefully and quietly climbed up a rope net on the side to get up to the deck. I had confidence that when I needes my wand most it would provide my favorite long-lasting spell.
I jumped into the opening, pointed my wand at him, screaming, "Avada Keda-"
He cut her off, "Let me stop you right there mate, because that stick thingy mabober doesn't work here, several have tried" he said taking my wand," We are both dead and this is my get off." He pushed me off the edge of the boat and he took my bloody wand! The nerve! Add another person to my hit list. I sneak around back, climb and wait. He walked around drunk taking huge steps and stubbling. He took swiggs of nonexistent rum from an empty old bottle. "Yo ho...aLl tOgeTheR, nEveR sHaLl I diE," he sang stupidly. He looked at the empty bottle, "Never any rum, why is there never any rum? The whole bloody ship. None." He sword-fought with nobody shouting "Aha!" The whole time until he had 'Cornered' them And stabbed the door, which I'm assuming was their throat "That will teach you to never again mess with Captain Jack sparrow, mate." His sword was stuck in the door, which was perfect for me. He walked off mumbling about some people, Will and Elizabeth, and again about the lack of rum. He pulled my wand out of his pocket, sniffed it and bit a good 2 inches out of the end. "Needs salt," he mumbled. That was it, I grabbed his sword and stabbed him in the chest. "YOU BLOODY MONSTER YOU ATE MY WEAPON, MY CHILD, MY EVERYTHING! I was going to take revenge on Potter, and Weasley, and Granger, and the whole lot! And now! And now! You-"
"Youre still here? Well, anyways...hate to break it to you darling, but you can't kill me, I'm already dead, and so are you, as I recently stated" He said leaning back in a chair, still with the sword sticking out of his chest. "You're crazy, I like you, "he said pointing at me,"We have much in common already. What say you help me pull my ship to the shore and we can sail to Tortuga?"
"Bloody hell I will! I would rather live the rest of my life in Azkaban," I said bitterly.
"Touché," he said getting up. He pulled the sword out and stabbed it into my stomach. "Keep it love, as a peace offering. I won't be needin it any time soon," he swung to the ground on a rope that was just too conveniently right there. I almost liked him, you know, in the way that makes you drive to kill somebody.

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