Advice #1

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In specific, paragraphs.

How many of you guys have opened a book to see a single paragraph that's just a block of text, and get really disappointed because the description for the story was really well written and the book seemed like it would have a good plot.

Now, I can understand if you don't know how to separate paragraphs, I used to be that way too, though I have kinda great advice for people who struggle with separating paragraphs.

Who. When. Where. What. Why.

Who- Who is speaking? If it's a new person, make a new paragraph. Never have two of the same people speaking in one paragraph. It will confuse the reader. Who are you focused on? Is it a different character than the one you were just describing? Make a new paragraph if it is.

When- What time is it? Is it the day? Night? Winter? Spring? Make a new paragraph saying when it is.*
        * If it's something simple as the time (ex. 3:45) don't make a whole new paragraph.

Where- Where are they? Moving from talking about a character to where the character is? Make a new paragraph.

What- What is happening? Is something thrilling happening? Something disappointing? Something utterly terrible? Make a new paragraph if so.*
        *Only do so if what is happening is big enough to need to be described.

Why- Why is the character doing that thing? What are the characters motives? Did the antagonist murder their family? Their dog? Take all of their food and make a run for it by jumping out of the window? Well, make a new paragraph describing what exactly happened.*
            * Only do so if the motive is big enough to be described.
            * should happen near the beginning of the book. (Unless it's a twist, then do it whenever it is fit to be placed.)

I hope there are a couple of these that help people with their paragraphs, I do not know everything, since I'm only in high school, and not the best writer.

One last thing, this tip down below is also a good way to remember how to separate paragraphs:
Tip Top

That's all for now!


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