Advice #2

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Suddenly discontinued stories

You're reading a story, and it's getting to a really good part. The last chapter just ended in a cliff hanger and you go to the next one and-

You find out the book is dicontinued.

I get that some people loose interest in the book that they're writing, and you just don't have any ideas for it I get that, I've struggled with that a lot in books. *cough*TwotourturedsoulsandTwelveForgottenZodiacs*cough*

So, I always write at least ten chapters in drafts in advance before I even publish the story, maybe more. For example, For my BnHA fic, I have up to chapter 22 pre written. And I'm currently in a rut for ideas for it. But I won't stop updating it because I have chapters ready.

Hell, even for this book I'm storing things in the drafts.

Of course, you don't have to do this, but it's a good way for you to feel out a story before publishing it, like you get up to chapter 5 and you realize that the story idea doesn't end up working, or you need to change a few things in previous chapters to clear up any questions your readers might have.

And if you don't have enough time to finish a chapter in one sitting, then you can save it in drafts to work on later.

The drafts are your friends. Use them to their full potential.

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