Advice #3

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Everyone loves a little romance in their stories, gives them the little feeling of warmth and love from the fluff that's written down.

But there's one thing. One thing that I've noticed when reading my romance fanfics, something that bothers the hell out of me.

The people fall in love in the first couple of chapters. Now, I get some of you are saying "But Sin, that's how's it supposed to go, right?"

Well yes, you need to establish a romantic interest between the two characters early on, you don't have to have them exchanging kisses on the cheek in the second flipped chapter.

This may be just my opinion, but romance is supposed to build on something, there already has to be an emotional bond (ie. Best Friends, Known each other for a while, ect.) Love at first sight doesn't really... Exist. (For me at least. I gotta get to know ya before I develop any feelings for ya.)

I get some of you want to get the romance happenin and goin quickly... But... Two days after people meet is a little soon... Don't you think?

I'm just saying deep romantic feelings that will last for a long time don't really happen over night.

Sorry if this got a little ranty, it just annoys me beyond all hell when this happens.

*coughcoucgh* Ofcoursechapter21islittlelateforcharacterstoconfessfeelings*coughcough*

Anyways, Have a Sinful life ya Sinners!

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