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Requested by @Rinny-NyanChan

-Will contain spoilers-

So, I haven't read many Magi fics (because sadly there aren't a lot out there with OCs. If anyone has one, feel free to suggest it, i need some inspiration for my Silent Music book) So this might just be characters in general than just stories, but this can also be applied to any Magi stories but I won't linger on that, let me get on the the advice!

1) The Main Character is a Magi
    Now I don't have much of a problem with these types of main characters unless they're written well. But sometimes if they're just a magi for being a magi something is wrong. Now, if you really truely want to make your OC a magi, maybe make them a reincarnation of someone from Al Torrain, like maybe a friend of King Solomon or a bodyguard of him reincarnated to watch over the new world, or just the djinns in general because god knows they could get into some trouble.
(Feel free to take that idea above, or reference it)

2) The Main Character has more Djinn's than Sinbad
    This I've seen a lot. Sinbad is supposed to be the strongest person/ the person with the most djinns. And I doubt a random person could get more Djinns than someone who is (as the anime and Manga states) choosen by the Ruhk. Now, my advice for this would be to not give your OC so many djins and keep it a limit of three if you want your main character to keep them strong, but not stronger than Sinbad. Please, for my sanity.

3) The main character grew up in the same village as Sinbad
    I see this a lot in Adventures of Sinbad stories, and it's usually just used as a plot to get the character into the story easily. Maybe try have them living in a hidden village that Sinbad stumbled upon injured. Like Atlantis or something like that. That might end up being cool if there was an Alantian character. Or create your own village, like based on weather, nature, or just a rock or somethin. I wanna see more characters with interesting village/ race traits like the Imuchakk tribe, and like my own Village of Ivloy.

This is really all I have since there aren't a lot of Magi OC fics out there, and I'm no good with Character x character advice since I don't read those that often ^^; But anyways, I hope you enjoyed and please feel free to take any of the ideas that have been mentioned above! (And if you have link me, because Imma want to read it)

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