Last Call, First Round!

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It was finally time for the Grand Festival. It was being held at Lake Verity. Everyone was coming in for it.

A young girl about 12 years old walked in. She had beautiful long blue hair and blue eyes. She held a Piplup in her arms.

She was wearing a black top, a pink skirt, pink boots, a white hat, and a yellow backpack. Her name is Dawn.

Along with her was a boy about 16 years old. He had short messy black hair and brown eyes. He had a Pikachu on his shoulder.

He was wearing a red cap, a blue jacket with a yellow v, blue jeans, green backpack, and blue shoes. His name is Ash Ketchum.

Also with them was an older man around 24 years old. He was a dark colored skin man and had brown spiky hair.

He was wearing a green undershirt, a black and red vest, gray pants, a blue backpack, and black shoes. His name is Brock.

Dawn was excited about this. She really couldn't wait to take on the Grand Festival but first, she wanted to see her friends first.

They were at this big meet and greet where at least hundred coordinators were. Dawn couldn't believe her eyes.

She wasn't expecting this many people. Brock saw all of the beautiful girls and started to hit on all of them.

One was so frightened that she accidently bumped into Ash. Because of this, Croagunk Poison Jabbed Brock.

Ash looked at her in concern and asked, "Are you okay?"

The girl stammered, "Y - yeah, thanks."

Ash got a good look at the girl. She was 16 years old. She had medium length brown hair and green eyes.

She was wearing a silver locket around her neck, a purple dress shirt, black dress jeans, white running shoes, and a white pouch around her waist.

The girl recognized Ash and asked, "Hey, aren't you Ash Ketchum?"

Ash nodded and answered, "Yeah, that's me." He pointed to Pikachu and added, "And this is my partner, Pikachu."

"Pika!" Pikachu greeted.

The girl petted Pikachu softly as she greeted, "Hi Pikachu!"

"Cha!" Pikachu squeaked, enjoying the attention.

The girl looked at Ash as she added, "I saw you and your Buizel at the Wallace Cup! You two were really good. It's too bad that you lost to Kyle, though, he's a tough coordinator."

Dawn got in on the conversation after hearing that and asked, "Do you know Kyle too?"

The girl nodded and explained, "Yeah, we faced off in one of the contests I took place in."

Dawn wagered, "So you're a coordinator."

The girl responded, "Yeah and you are Dawn, correct? You were the winner of the Wallace Cup!"

Dawn replied, proudly, "That's me!"

"Piplup, pip," Piplup added, copying Dawn.

The girl told them, "In all of the excitement, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Ranee Katina and I'm here to compete for the Ribbon Cup!" She made a victory sign, winking. She added, "And once I get the Ribbon Cup, the Championship of Sinnoh will be mine!"

Ash perked up at this and asked, "Wait a minute, you're a trainer too?"

Ranee answered, "Sure am! Ever since I left Veilstone City, I had two goals, becoming top coordinator and becoming a Pokémon Master! See, my Dad was a great trainer and my Mom a great coordinator. I couldn't choose between the two worlds, so I picked both!"

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