Music for the Soul

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The very next day, Ranee had found out that she was supposed to battle Nando in ordinary to reach the semi-finals. Ranee was beyond nervous, as noted by her Infernape.

"Infernape," the fire/fighting type Pokémon asked.

Ranee reassured, "I'm okay, Infernape... Just nervous about this battle against Nando." Infernape put its paw in Ranee's lap as support. Ranee smiled at this as she paused a bit, nervous. She added, "I mean; this is the first time we've actually battled a trainer who's just like us. Granted, we have done this longer than Nando but it is still nerve wrecking."

"Infern!" Infernape said, hugging her.

Ranee returned the hug as she rubbed Infernape's back, making its fire mane glow a bit. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

She asked, "Who could that be?"

Ranee walked over and answered the door. To her surprise, Brock was standing there.

He greeted, "Hey Ranee. May I come in?" Ranee stepped aside, letting him in. Brock walked in, seeing that her Infernape was out of its Pokeball. He observed, "Nervous about facing Nando?"

Ranee rubbed the back of her neck and admitted, "It's the first time I ever faced off against someone who's like me. I've never done that before."

Brock placed his hands on her shoulders and reassured, "Listen, Ranee. You are just as good as Nando is. Let the world see that too."

Ranee smiled a bit as she quietly muttered, "Thanks Brock." She then added, "I was a bit scared that you were going to flirt with me again."

Brock blushed in embarrassment and admitted, "I shouldn't have done that in the first place. For that, I hope you can forgive me."

Ranee hugged him as she quietly told him, "I'm a bit of a hugger."

Brock chuckled at that, returning her hug of friendship.


Meanwhile, Ash saw that Dawn was alone when she was training.

He asked her, "Where's Brock?"

Dawn answered, "He went to go see Ranee."

Ash groaned, "Hope he's not flirting with her. That scared her the first time."

Dawn asked, "Think we should check on them?"

Ash was about to say yes but that's when he saw Brock and Ranee walking over to them together. Seeing her smile, Ash knew that things were all worked out. He smiled as Dawn wasn't paying too much attention. She was getting ready for her battle that would either put her in the semi-finals or knock her out of the competition.


That afternoon, it was show time. Ranee entered the stadium, wearing her contest dress, just about ready for anything. Her contest dress was a long purple dress that clung to her body very well. It also had sparkles in it as well as flowers designed into it. She also had a white flower in her curly hair. She heard the roar of the crowd and got a bit more nervous but she looked into the stands and saw her friends. She smiled as she waved to them. They all waved back and just like that, Ranee's fear was long gone.

'With friends like them to back me up, I'm going to do my very best,' Ranee thought as she placed seals on her ball capsules.

Nando looked ready as well and said, softly, throwing out his Pokeballs, "Go, Kricketune and Roserade!"

With two flashes of confetti, Kricketune and Roserade appeared.

Ranee threw out her Pokeballs and said, "To the curtain, Infernape and Bellossom!"

In a flash of fire and rose petals, Infernape and Bellossom appeared. Kricketune went first with Sing as Roserade followed with Grasswhistle. Ranee had a strategy for that. She told Infernape and Bellossom to dance away from the melodies while launching a combination of Fire Blast and Solar Beam. The Fire Blast glowed brighter, showing off its strength and beauty.

Nando commanded Kricketune to use Protect, which it did, saving the two Pokémon from the big damage that they probably would've gotten from it. Ranee cringed as she knew that this was going to be hard. Ranee commanded Infernape to use Mach Punch. She then commanded Bellossom to use Razor Leaf.

Again, Nando dodged the attacks but the display was so pretty that Nando had also lost points from it. Ash cheered along with Dawn. Brock chuckled at that.

Ranee mumbled, "Hang in there, Infernape and Bellossom." She then commanded, "Infernape, Flamethrower! Bellossom, Petal Dance!"

The two fused together, making a beautiful fusion move. Nando's Pokémon took the hit from the surprise as Nando ordered Kricketune to use X-Scizzor and Roserade to use Energy Ball. The two attacks also created another fusion move, hitting their mark. Ranee was surprised by this as the clock ran down. Nando had more points than Ranee did, giving Nando the win. Ranee hugged her two valiant Pokémon for their excellent work.


That evening, Ranee was packing to leave as Dawn was moving on to the semi-finals. She felt like she had to, since she felt like she had let her Pokémon down and... Before she could finish that thought, Dawn came in (since her door was wide open).

She asked, "Are you really leaving?"

Ranee didn't look at Dawn at all as she answered, "Yeah, I let my Pokémon down."

Dawn stated, "You did all that you could. Nando is just really good..."

Ranee sadly replied, "Yeah..."

Dawn pleaded, "Ranee, please stay! I am so nervous about these semi-finals and I want someone else to help me with my hair!"

Ranee face faulted as she asked, "You do realize that you could've pleaded Kenny to stay the same way, ya know?"

Dawn blushed as she answered, "I am not asking a guy to help me with my hair. Especially not Kenny."

Ranee groaned, "Oh boy..." She turned to Dawn and told her, "You know, you are fickle."

Dawn replied, still blushing, "I can't let Kenny touch my hair. He could give me diamond dandruff."

Ranee just bit her lip before telling her, "Fine, I'll stay."

To that, Dawn cheered loudly. Ranee rubbed her ear. It was going to be a long rest of the week.


Wishmaker1028: Well, that's the end of this chapter. So, tell me what you think of this episode that I made up! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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