Friends Forever!

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Our heroes have finally made it to Newport Town, where they are about to part ways with their friend, Ranee.

Dawn gushed, as they entered Newport Town, "Wow, this town is so little but it so cute!"

"Piplup," Piplup said, in agreement.

Ash turned to Ranee and asked, "So, what's in this town anyways?"

"Pika pika," Pikachu said.

Ranee answered, "Oh my grandmother lives here and I visit her often."

Brock questioned, "She doesn't live in Veilstone City?"

Ranee shook her head as Brock ran off to flirt with another girl. Ash and Dawn both groaned. Ranee just blinked out of confusion.

Before they could get his attention, a noodle cart pulled up in front of them. A woman with long red hair came out and she was wearing sunglasses.

She asked, "Well, what do we have here?"

A man with short blue hair answered, also wearing sunglasses, "Looks like some hungry travelers to me."

The woman stated, chipper, "Right you are."

The man asked them, "Would you kids like some noodles?"

Brock returned to his younger travel mates and asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Dawn answered, "Noodles do sound good."

Ranee added, "And we bring some to my grandmother."

Ash told them, "We'll take five orders of noodles, please."

A little man came out of the noodles and grabbed Pikachu as he said, "And we'll take a Pikachu to go!"

Ash cried out, "Pikachu!"

The man threw down a smoke bomb and the four of them choked as they heard some cackling.

Dawn asked, as she held Piplup, "What's going on?"

That's when they heard this motto:

Jessie: Listen, is that a voice I hear?

James: It speaks to me loud and clear.

Jessie: On the wind!

James: Past the stars!

Meowth: In your ear!

Jessie: Bringing chaos at a fast break pace.

James: Dashing all hope and putting fear in its place.

Jessie: A rose by any other name is smell as sweet.

James: When everything is worse, our work is complete.

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Meowth: Meowth, now that's a name!

Jessie: Putting the do gooders in their place.

James: We're Team Rocket!

All: In your face!

Wobbuffet: Wobba!

Mime Jr.: Mime, mime!

Everyone cried out, "Team Rocket!"

Ash demanded, "Give me back, Pikachu!"

Meowth answered, as the noodle cart turned into a robot with a vacuum arm and a grabbing arm, "Never but now it's time for the rest of your Pokémon to join us!"

That's when Meowth activated the vacuum arm and started to suck up the surrounding area. Ranee was trying to hang on but eventually, it got her too.

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