Coming Full Festival Circle!

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The Grand Festival continues and thanks to Dawn, Ranee decided to stay for the rest of the Grand Festival. Everyone had found out that Jessilina had won her match with James's Mime Jr. and James's Carnivine. Because of a comment by Fantina, Jessilina suggests that they should forget about the rest of the festival and crown her as Top Coordinator already, to which Fantina replies that it's impossible and that Jessilina will just have to win the tournament herself. The match-ups for the semi-finals were then revealed with Dawn facing Jessilina and Zoey facing Nando.

Dawn's mother Johanna remarks that she seems to be more excited than the Contestants while she is watching in Twinleaf Town. Ranee felt a little down about not being able to partake in the semi-finals but she knew that she wasn't ready for that just yet. She thought sadly, 'Maybe next year...'


Dawn and her Piplup were brooding on the balcony that night. Dawn is nervous but Ash, Ranee, and Brock give her a confidence boost. The group then hears the music of a harp and goes downstairs to investigate. Their investigation reveals Nando on a rock in the clearing. His music has attracted dozens of wild Pokémon to listen and a Swablu flies down to join them. Noticing them, Nando stops and gets up to greet the group and Dawn compliments Nando on his musical skills.

Nando reveals that he is surprised at having made it this far in the festival and is using his harp to soothe him. They are interrupted by Zoey, who joins them, and promises Nando a good battle. Since everyone is out, Brock wonders what Jessilina is doing.


Meanwhile, Jessie is in a warehouse with the James and Meowth. Before them are piles of boxes containing Jessilina memorabilia. While James and Meowth are sure that the memorabilia will earn the three of them lots of money, Jessie daydreams about what it means to be Top Coordinator. She is shown to be riding around in a white sports car, being on a talk show, being a fashion star in magazines, and being surrounded by dozens of men in white tuxedos.


The next day, the semi-finals have officially started and it's Zoey vs. Nando first. Zoey sends out her Mismagius and her Leafeon while Nando sends out his Kricketune and his new Lopunny. Mismagius and Leafeon come out in a shower of Star Seals while Kricketune and Lopunny are released in a shower of Song Seals. Ash notes that Zoey's Misdreavus had evolved. He and his friends are also surprised by Nando's choice of Lopunny, assuming he was going to use either a Bug-type or a Grass-type. Undazed, Zoey tells Leafeon to use Energy Ball and Mismagius to use Shock Wave. The Shock Wave fuses with the Energy Ball to create an electrifying meteorite.

This combination causes Nando to already lose a portion of his points. Nando orders Lopunny to use Jump Kick and Kricketune to use Bug Buzz. Lopunny kicks Zoey's fusion move away and Kricketune's Bug Buzz then immobilizes Leafeon. Lopunny meanwhile dances around and wrap the streamers created by Bug Buzz around itself. It created an elegant effect and also take away a portion of Zoey's points. Zoey is amazed by Nando's use of Lopunny while Brock comments that the combination of Lopunny's elegance with Kricketune's music makes it look like a ballerina. Suddenly, the Energy fusion Ball that Lopunny had kicked away returns, shooting straight down.

Kricketune then blasts away the fusion ball to create a shower of rainbow sparks, which is used to further emphasize Lopunny elegance. Zoey once more loses points. Recovering, Zoey orders Leafeon and Mismagius to use Double Team. Leafeon and Mismagius alternate between each other with their Double Teams as they surround Nando's Pokémon. Nando is amazed by the stunning contrast of the double Double Team. Brock notes that Zoey is using her Pokémon in perfect synch while also bringing out the fact that this is a Double Battle. Ranee and Dawn, however, note that Nando is still in the lead.

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