For the Love of Meowth!

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Recently, the Grand Festival came to a close with Dawn as the runner up. Now, headed to Newport Town with their new friend and temporary travel mate, Ranee, our heroes were ready for anything. Except for the smoke that came out of nowhere.

Ranee coughed, "What's happening?"

That's when they heard cackling and this motto:

Jessie: Listen, is that a voice I hear?

James: It speaks to me loud and clear.

Jessie: On the wind!

James: Past the stars!

Meowth: In your ear!

Jessie: Bringing chaos at a fast break pace.

James: Dashing all hope and putting fear in its place.

Jessie: A rose by any other name is smell as sweet.

James: When everything is worse, our work is complete.

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Meowth: Meowth, now that's a name!

Jessie: Putting the do gooders in their place.

James: We're Team Rocket!

All: In your face!

Wobbuffet: Wobba!

Mime Jr.: Mime, mime!

The heroes cried out, in unison, "Team Rocket!"

Ranee perked up at this and asked, "Team Who?"

Dawn explained, "They are bunch of bad guys who try to steal other people's Pokémon!"

Ranee gasped at this and it wasn't too long that a battle broke out between Jessie's Seviper and Ash's Torterra. Like always, Team Rocket loses and blasts off yet again.


However, Jessie and James, now sore, realize that they're missing a team member: Meowth! Meowth is soon discovered by a girl and her Glameow. Nursed to health, he awakens to find he is in love with the Glameow that has rescued him from further injury. While joining the twosome for lunch, Meowth is found by Jessie and James, and much to his discontent, he's taken back to the balloon. Lovesick, Meowth devises a plan to catch Glameow. Despite Jessie and James's arguments, Meowth fantasizes about Giovanni having the Glameow, so Meowth can secretly have Glameow to himself.


Meanwhile, Ash and his friends cross paths with Glameow's Trainer, whose name is revealed as Mamie. She, just starting her journey, has tried to defeat Crasher Wake, but lost. Their conversation is ended when they fall through a bridge into a cage deliberately set by none other than Team Rocket. As Team Rocket goes through their motto, Glameow is snatched, but is quickly returned to her Poké Ball. As Carnivine and Buizel go into battle, Glameow's Poké Ball is grabbed. Team Rocket floats away in their balloon while Ash and his friends get drenched with a drop to the river below. Soon afterwards, Ash and his friends promise Mamie that they will help rescue her Glameow.


Team Rocket rests and agrees to soon send it to Giovanni, but Meowth declines and tries all to get Glameow's Poke ball away from Jessie's hands, ending in failure.


At sunset; Staraptor, Fearow, and Togekiss return to their Trainers empty handed: no Glameow or Team Rocket in sight.


Later, Meowth awakens to find Jessie and James asleep; he takes Glameow's Poke Ball and sneaks away. When Glameow is called out of the Poke Ball, she is confused about her Trainer not being around. Meowth sneakily explains that Team Rocket forced Meowth to kidnap her. He tells Glameow that she wouldn't like hanging out with Team Rocket: they always get pummeled by Ash! Meowth informs Glameow that he is taking her away to a safe place. He says he's like her "Poke Knight in shining armor". However, Glameow imagines Meowth coming to her on a Rapidash, his bottom burning from the flames.

The twosome walk up to a river where a boat lays in the river. Meowth and Glameow get in the boat, and they gaze at the full moon as the boat takes them steadily down the river.


In the morning; Staraptor, Fearow, and Togekiss are sent out yet again to try to locate Team Rocket.


Meanwhile, Jessie and James awake to find Glameow and Meowth gone.

The remaining Team Rocket opens a letter left by Meowth and says as follows: 'Don't look for me. I'm out of here. The long held dream the three of us shared of conquering all of Sinnoh is completely over for me. And my short and long term goal now is to live a long and happy life filled to the brim with gobs of domestic bliss, along with my beloved babe Glameow, dig? And so I hereby tender my resignation as a long steady member of Team Rocket and hope you guys have a nice day.'

Suddenly, they realize that Meowth had planned this from the start. Aggravated, Jessie and James climb into their balloon, only to be discovered by Staraptor, Fearow, and Togekiss. Ash commands Staraptor to use Brave Bird, Fearow to use Drill Peck, and Togekiss to use Aura Sphere on the balloon. Unfortunately, the gang discovers that Jessie and James don't have the Glameow! She's still with Meowth! So, they go after the two normal types, in hopes that it wasn't too late for Glameow.


Speaking of, Meowth and Glameow are in the boat enjoying an afternoon snack. Only to be interrupted by Yanmega, Staraptor, Fearow, and Togekiss. Trying to escape, Meowth is stopped by Piplup's Whirlpool. Meowth, a fury sent through his body, uses a series of what he calls "Fury Swipes of love" on Seviper, Ash's Infernape, Yanmega, Staraptor, Fearow, and Togekiss! They all go down. Carnivine is sent out, and both Glameow and Meowth are pummeled by Bullet Seed. Glameow, unscathed, evolves into Purugly. Meowth lands to see that Glameow is gone, and Purugly now stands where Glameow once was.

Understanding the situation, Meowth is devastated. He is then hit by Seviper and Infernape. Purugly returns to Mamie. Mamie uses her Pokédex to discover that Purugly can now use more moves, so she commands Purugly to unleash a Hyper Beam onto Team Rocket. They blast off. That evening, the gang and Mamie as they come to a fork in the road, Mamie heading back to the Pastoria Gym while Ash and his friends are going to Newport Town.


Wishmaker1028: Well, that's the end of chapter 6! Now, chapter 7 will be the ending chapter, so this prequel will be rather short but worth it. In chapter 7, there will be twists and turns, explaining how Misty was able to go to Sinnoh in the first place.
Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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