Chapter 2: Pretty in Pink

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Rachel chewed delicately on the end of her favorite purple pen as she and her surrounding peers slaved away on their poetry assignment. They were currently reading a strange short story about some city where the majority of the population lives in utter bliss. But this is only made possible because of a child they leave locked away from the world, who apparently does all the suffering for them. She felt a connection with the story, being a the victim of a similar situation.

Rachel's adoptive mother was about as strict as you could get. She constantly pummeled her with prying personal questions about every aspect her life. And of course there were the rules, that she drilled into her head at every opportunity:

1. Curfew is at 10, no exceptions.

2. No parties.

3. No dating.

4. Keep at least 3.0.

5. No inappropriate clothing. (to be determined by Mother)

6. No drinking or drugs.

7. If any of the rules listed above are broken, Mother has the right to pick a suitable punishment.

These rules were the foundation for her miserable life. She often felt like she was the one who was locked away, watching everyone around her enjoying their lives while she sat alone. But she had learned from experience that breaking the rules would just make her life even more of a living hell.

Rachel's thoughts were interrupted by a vicious tapping on the classroom's inside window. She looked up from her studies and across the room to see none other than Merida pressing her freckled nose up against the glass. A small smile spread across Rachel's face and she gave her friend the 'all clear' since their English teacher was too busy doing something on his computer, probably secretly playing League of Legends.

Mr.Fitzherbert was every girls teacher crush, he had longish unkempt hair, and deep brown eyes filled with more meaning than any book. Although he always was well shaven he left a small patch of hair upon his chin as if to declare his manhood. Above this statement were a pair of thin lips that were often curled into a lopsided smirk.

He was rather tall and of a medium build, he always had the sleeves of his button up shirts rolled up exposing his muscular forearms. He also toted around his signature side satchel around with him everywhere he went, as if he were hiding something within. There were many rumors about the contents of the bag, but no one had yet to see what was inside.

Merida slipped silently through the door and into the desk behind her friend, throwing her bag carelessly onto the floor at her feet, kicking it under her.

"34 minutes." Rachel whispered to the redhead as she fidgeted around in her chair.

A wide smirk spread across Merida's face she answered. "Must be a new record."

Rachel rolled her eyes slightly, as Merida was referring to this being her new personal record for being late and not getting caught. It was a little game they played.

"What took you so long?" The blond murmured. "Class is nearly over."

"That's kind of the point." She grinned momentarily before sticking out a striped leg for her friend to see.

Rachel let out a little gasp and gave her an approving smile. "Those are SO cute."

Merida rolled her eyes slightly. "You and your fashion obsession."

Rachel simply shrugged and gave a little giggle. "Can't you just take a compliment Mer?"

Merida ignored the comment and leaned over her desk to see her friend's book. "What are we doing anyway?"

Rachel pulled the book to the side so that Merida could see. "Just another depressing poem that makes me want to kill myself." She dragged a slender finger across her throat and stuck out her tongue.

Merida rolled her eyes but couldn't keep a whisper of a smile from crossing her lips. "That bad huh?"

Rachel smiled happily at her small triumph. "Luckily it's short, you can probably get it read by the end of class."

"You mean read that? While I'm still alive?" Merida did her own little show of putting a finger gun to her head and pulling the trigger, lolling her head to the side dramatically.

Rachel giggled softly. She knew her friend well enough to know that she probably wouldn't read it anyway. "I can just text you the main points if you want." She offered instead, shooting her a wink.

"You're the best." Merida offered a large smile accompanied by a grateful glance.

"I know." Rachel returned the grin, twirling her hair around the end of her pen. "So now /that/ we've gotten that out of the way, are we still on for dress shopping this weekend?"

Merida's face shifted to a look of defeat, letting out a puff of air to blow her bangs out out her eyes. "Yeah, I guess."

The blondes face slipped into a bit of a pout. "Aren't you excited?"

"Well, you know, shopping isn't really my thing." Merida laid her head down on her desk and rolled her pencil over the wooden surface.

"Don't be ridiculous. All girls like shopping." A sly smirk formed on her lips and she lowered her voice. "Even if they won't admit it."

Merida raised
her head enough to raise her eyebrows at her friend, her expression said it all.

The bell rang shattering the simple conversation before Rachel could make a comeback. Students began to pack up their stuff and Mr. Fitzherbert, seeming a bit startled by the time, finally rose from his desk and walked to the front of the room.

"Hold up. Just a reminder that written reactions to today's reading will be due tomorrow morning." He picked up a blue marker and scribbled the directions across the board. The majority of female students waited expectantly for him to finish. He noticed their pause, "You are free to go now." He said rather slowly, as if to make sure that they would understand the direction through their starstruck gaze.

Rachel stood up carefully, flattened the creases in her skirt and adjusted her jean leather jacket. She pulled her floral print backpack over her shoulders and glanced over at her friend.

Merida dug her own bag out from under her desk, slinging awkwardly over her shoulder and giving her hair a quick pat. "Mr. Fitzherbert is such a helpful teacher." Rachel said smiling a bit dreamily.

The ginger just shook her head. "He might make me late for my next class if we don't hurry. Rachel rolled her eyes and laced her arm through the others. "Since when have you been worried about being late?"

And with that, they both set off down the hallway. Rachel's long golden hair trailing behind her like a flag while Merida curly red mane bounced along beside her.

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