Chapter 10: Lost and Found

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Hayden meandered his way down the hallway wearing a sullen expression. His usually notebook-carrying hand was empty and hung limply at his side like a forgotten tube sock. He had been looking for it all night and hadn't gotten much sleep. It wasn't so much the drawings as the journal itself. It had been the last birthday present from his mother before she left and he treasured it with all of his heart. Since he had filled all the pages long ago he had started folding his drawings up and sticking them between pages.

A vibration from his back pocket drew his attention and he pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at the screen. One new message. He figured it was just Jack asking to meet up and opened it without a second thought. Boy was surprised when he saw who it was. At first he just noticed that it was from someone who wasn't in his contacts, just displaying a phone number. But in the first line that was all cleared up.

"Hi its Merida. Could we meet up? I have something of urs that I think u will be wanting back."

His heart nearly stopped and his feet certainly did. He just stood there gaping at the screen like a fish out of water. Merida had texted him. Wanting to meet up. And now he had her number. He couldn't believe his luck. He was so caught up with this, that he didn't even bother wondering about the last part or the question of how she had gotten his number.

Instead he quickly texted back, trying not to sound too desperate. "Sure thing. Where were you thinking?"

He got a fast response. "Starbucks? 15 minutes?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you there."

"See u."

He made her a contact adding a heart next to her name before removing it for fear someone would see it before heading off for what he hoped was a date.

After a brisk walk through the spring air, wishing he had a car, Hayden reached the glass doors and was greeted by the rich smell of fresh coffee grounds. He spotted Merida almost immediately, due to her unmistakable red hair.

She was wearing a baggy green archery camp shirt and a pair of boyshorts, her hair was back in a surprisingly smooth ponytail and a pair of basic black converse were tied to each foot with sloppy bows.Yet even in this basic, seemingly unflattering attire, she looked good. Better than good.

She had her earphones in and was stuffing her face with a cheese danish, her drink left untouched while she stared down at her phone. He took a deep breath and ran a nervous hand through his stringy hair before coming to sit across from her. At first she was too preoccupied with her phone to notice his presence, cursing under her breath every once and a while. He chuckled a bit at how into the game she was before clearing his throat loudly.

She looked up sharply. "Oh, er hi." she said a little too loudly before yanking her earphones out and laying her phone face down on the table.

Hayden sat up a bit straighter in his chair. "Hi. So, um, what was it you wanted to give me?" He glanced down at his hands which were shaking a bit.

"Oh, right." She leaned over and dug something out of her bag slapping it down on the table and slid it to him. "I figured you might be looking for this."

He could feel his freckled cheeks burning with an unwelcome blush as he looked at his notebook on the tabletop. "Where did you find it?" He asked, refusing to meet her eyes.

She looked like she was considering what she was about to say before she answered. "In the locker rooms."

Hayden was sure he was turning redder by the minute, if that was even possible he would be a tomato soon. "In the girls locker room?" he clarified.

"Yeah. There were some girls looking through it." she admitted, looking as uncomfortable as he was as she ran her fingers over her jelly bear case on her phone.

He swallowed, trying to force down the hiccup that was building up in his throat.

"I got it as soon as I could." she assured.

He just nodded, silent and staring at the book.

There was a moment of awkward silence before she spoke again. "You are a really good artist."

He glanced up at her. He hadn't been expecting such a comment, let alone a compliment. "Thanks."

She smiled and took a sip of her drink before offering him the cup. "You want some?"

He shook his head. "I don't drink coffee."

She smirked and put her other hand beside her mouth and whispered. "It's hot chocolate." As if it were an enormous secret.

He couldn't help but smile a bit and carefully took the cup from her., hoping that she didn't notice how he flinched a bit as their fingers brushed. "Well in that case." He took a drink, smiling over at her.

She returned it with a small grin and took the cup back. "I said some." Maybe it was just his imagination but it felt like her fingers lingered a bit longer across his than necessary. All he knew was that the conversation was reality and that not everyone would be so appreciative of his art.

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