Chapter 5: Once Upon a Time

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Merida mercilessly piled her tray with crappy school food while Rachel followed along behind her, too busy blabbering on about a new celebrity couple to notice that the line was moving. Although she always brought her own lunch she was still getting in people's way. Merida had to keep pulling her along, while staring down at the food hungrily.

She ate like a bear, her mother always scolded her for her eating habits at home, so she was forced to get her fill with the cafeterias overcooked lasagna and nearly expired beverages. Once they reached the register her plate was so full she couldn't even fit her apple on it, forcing her to hold it in her mouth.

The check-out lady gave her a strange look as she slid her tray over. "All this?"

Merida nodded and gave a muffled. "Uh huh."

She stared at her a bit longer before punching a few numbers into her computer. "You're good to go hun."

Merida swept up her heavy lunch without any signs of effort and helped direct her friend to their usual table. She stopped short to find that the table was already occupied by a pair of brunette boys. Even Rachel stopped talking. Jack and Hayden, the trouble-maker, and the one who got punished.

Jack looked up from his phone and offered one of his charming smiles. "Hey there princess, funny meeting you here."

It was a nickname Jack had given Merida after their 4th grade fairy tales play where Jack had played the frog prince, and Merida had been forced into the role of none other than the fair princess. He had taken this chance to steal an unnecessary, improvised kiss during the performance. Ever since then their feud had become legendary.

Merida slammed her tray down forcefully and yanked the apple from her mouth. She shot him a death glare. "What do you think you are doing Froggy?" she returned, cocking her hip to one side.

"Sitting." He replied sarcastically, sneaking a glance at Rachel who was standing next to Merida, silent and blinking innocently like a deer caught in the headlights. "Looks like I've found myself yet another lovely princess." he said with a smirk. "How have you been Punze?"

"I've been well." she answered politely, clutching her textbook to her chest.

Merida butted in leaning across the table, snarling. "You better move or I'll give you a better reason to!"

Rachel put a hand gingerly on one of her rigid shoulders and said softly. "It's alright Mer. They're not doing any harm."

Jack smiled before putting on an expression of mock surprise. "Oh! How rude of me. I forgot to invite you fair maidens to sit." He stood up and pulled out a chair for Rachel and gestured to another for Merida.

Rachel let out a small giggle and sat down with a sweet smile. "Why thank you, my kind sir."

Merida crossed her arms defiantly plopping down in her seat with a grunt.

Throughout all of this Hayden had just been sitting in his chair biting his lip and watching the events fold out. "Sorry." He murmured nervously. Merida could tell from his face that he was holding back a hiccup. "We don't mean to be any trouble."

"No, no. You're fine." Rachel gave him a reassuring smile. "The more the merrier! Right Mer?" She shot her a look.

Merida pulled her blue hood over her face and leaned back in her chair,taking a large bite out of her apple with a bone shattering crunch. "Whatever."

Rachel glowed with hospitality and pulled out her lunch and began unpacking as if this were nothing out of the ordinary. "So what brings you two to our fair kingdom?" she said it as if to both of them but directed it to Jack, giving her eyelashes a small flutter.

'Was she flirting? With Jack! Her arch nemesis!' Merida peeked up from under her hoodie and gave Rachel a gentle kick under the table. Rachel ignored it completely focusing her full attention on the basketball captain.

"Just a friendly visit." He flashed a dashing grin, locking eyes with her.

Rachel giggled and put a well manicured hand to her mouth as if to stifle it. "Well, we welcome you with open arms."

'God. She was flirting.' Merida felt like she was going to throw up. It took her a minute to realise that someone had spoken to her.

Hayden was staring at her expectantly with his big green eyes, fidgeting slightly with a napkin under the table.

"What?" she asked dumbly, trying to tune out Rachel and Jack.

"I like your shirt." He repeated gesturing to her concert tee. "They are one of my favorite bands."

"Oh, er thanks." He kept his eyes fixed on her and she had to look down from blushing. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' She had never had a guy look at her that intensely. But not in a creepy way. It was like he actually cared about what she was saying.

"Did you see them? In concert I mean." He asked, trying to carry on the conversation.

"Yeah." She said looking down at her shirt as if to check if she was actually wearing it.

He nodded. "Cool." A small hiccup shook his small frame and his freckled cheeks burned with a light pink glaze.

The bell rang and Merida let out a sigh of relief. Only then realising that she hadn't eaten anything other than her apple. 'Guess this will help contribute to that diet I'm supposed to be on.' Jack and Rachel were still conversing and she decided not to bother them.

Hayden must have noticed her tray too because he commented. "That looks heavy. Do you need a hand?"

It was almost comical coming from a fishbone like himself but she accepted anyway. "Sure thanks." It would be rude to turn down such a polite request.

"Anytime." He smiled and picked a few items off her plate carrying them to the trash cans.

She finished off the round and stood next to the table next to him. She hadn't noticed how tall he was getting, and the way he was starting to shed his awkward boyishness. "It was nice talking to you." She said. Unsure of what to do she offered him a slightly shaky hand.

He took it and gave her a firm shake giving her a lopsided grin. "Anytime." He said again before gathering up his stuff and heading off to class.

Merida's fingers tingled slightly after he pulled away and she stood there, frozen, watching him as he left. She had the feeling this was just the start.

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