Chapter 12: dragontrainer52

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After Starbucks, Hiccup had walked Merida back to school. Although he insisted that he just was going to ditch the rest of the day. Merida would have offered to join him but she had a Biology test, and she needed the credit.

She spent the rest of the day thinking about how she felt when their fingers touched and how they had drunk from the same cup. It wasn't much but it left a fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach whenever she thought of it.

Now she was sitting in her room boredly scrolling down her tumblr newsfeed. It was the same as always, pictures of cats and gorgeous girls with built in summer bodies. Merida looked down at her own stomach. She could lose a little weight.Her mother certainly would approve. Suddenly there was a firm knock on her door and she spun out of her office chair and over to open it. None other than her mother stood before her with arms crossed and a furrowed brow. Speak of the devil.

"Merida." she said in her thick Scottish accent. The same one Merida had inherited and hated.

"What is it Mum?" she asked, pushing an orange curl out of her face.

She held up a neatly printed sheet of paper listing Merida's grades.

Shit. Had midterms come out today? Must have.

Her mother kept holding it up as if it were a formal proclamation. A bitter look of disappointment settled into her slightly wrinkled skin.

Merida gave her an apologetic smile and glanced up at her not able to meet her mothers brown eyes with her clear blue ones. "Sorry Mum." she grumbled, fidgeting with her hands as a nervous habit.

Her mother nodded in acknowledgment and finally let her arm return to her side before holding her other hand out and wiggling her fingers like a bucket of fish bait.

Merida knew what she was after but played dumb as if it would help her cause. "What?"

"Your phone." she replied promptly, her voice seeping with disappointment.

"But Mum!" Merida insisted. "I need it for school and stuff. What if you need to call me?"

Her mother stayed stock still like a statue of a queen giving a rather distasteful speech.

"It's my phone. I deserve to have it as a form of communication." she pouted, crossing her arms.

"Merida." she warned.

She groaned before finally handing it over for fear of further punishment.

Her mother grinned triumphantly, tucking the device in the pocket of her slacks. "There now. Was that so hard?"

Merida hated it when she baby talked to her and clenched her teeth. Not wanting to start an argument she turned around and slammed her door behind her without a response. She could hear her mother calling her out again but ignored it completely shoving her earphones in and turning up the volume on her computer so that she could only really hear the bass booming.

She opened up her IM and started scrolling through it. She figured no one would be on, it was so old school. To her surprise she had one requested add, from someone nicknamed dragontrainer52. She opened the profile to find a picture of a freckled boy with a lopsided grin. Her heart leapt at the sight of him and she quickly clicked accept. She got a message almost instantaneously and responded almost as fast.

dragontrainer52: Hey.

Merbear:3: Heyy

dragontrainer52: What's up?

Merbear:3: Tryin to figure out how to survive without my cell.

dragontrainer52: That sucks. Your mom take it?

Merbear:3: Ya :(

dragontrainer52: I feel you. My dad takes mine all the time. That's why I made this account in the first place.

Merbear:3: Lol. Same here. :p

dragontrainer52: Parents suck.

Merbear:3: I second that motion.

dragontrainer52: Thanks for giving me back my notebook.

Merbear:3: Np

dragontrainer52: Today was really fun.

Merbear:3: Ya. It was.

dragontrainer52: We should do it again sometime.

Merbear:3: Totes :)

dragontrainer52: How about tomorrow? The Blood Blade Returned is playing.

Merbear:3: I don't know. My mom kind of gave me a mountain of chores for this weekend.

dragontrainer52: And here I thought you were the rebellious one. Come on, it will be fun. How can you turn down a cheesy horror flick?

Merbear:3: I guess I can't. But u will have to help me come up with an excuse.

dragontrainer52: Just tell her it's a study group. That should go down well with her.

Merbear:3: Ya thanks. I always knew u were a genius. :p

dragontrainer52: Anytime. So, meet there around 2? Out by the giant knife poster?

Merbear:3: Ya. I'll see you there! :)

dragontrainer52: See ya!

Merida closed her laptop. Had that just happened or had she imagined it in her frustrated state of mind. She had been asked out before. But never so casually. But it actually sounded, fun. She couldn't wait for tomorrow.Who knew such a little thing could make such a big difference.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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