Chapter 11: Flowers, Gleam, and Glow

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Rachel walked purposefully down the long hallway on the way to her locker, naming off types of fungi on her fingers, for her Biology test next period. She cursed under her breath as her memory cut short, she knew she should have been studying last night, but instead she’d been up well past midnight texting Jack. He was so easy to talk to and was actually able to keep a conversation going unlike most guys.

He made her feel special, appreciated, almost like she was glowing. However strange that sounded, it was the only way she could think to describe the strange sensation. It filled her every time her phone buzzed with a text from him, the way her cheeks burned when he complimented her, the way she felt when she found her locker covered in decorations- wait what?

She stopped short as she stared at the lockers. Sure enough hers stood out from the other covered in every pink glittery decoration money could possibly buy. She scoped out the letters that were camouflaged by the similar coloring. They read: Spring Fling?. With a large, rather sloppily drawn question mark at the end.

But better yet was the puppy eyed boy who stood in the middle of it all holding a bouquet of yellow roses, her favorite. She hadn’t even realized she had been holding her breath until she felt a gasp escape her glossed lips

He took a step forward holding the flowers to his chest for a moment before holding them out to her. His brown eyes twinkling with question.

She almost instinctively pushed the offering to the side before enveloping him in a tight hug. “Yes.” she whispered into his ear, pressing her cheek to his.

She could feel him smiling as he wrapped his arms protectively around her waist, lifting her slightly off the tiled floor and spun her around. And she couldn’t help but giggle lifting her feet a bit.

A thunderous applause boomed from observing peers. And Rachel pulled away a bit to look around, placing her sandaled feet back onto solid ground, wearing a surprised expression.

Jack looked around too, a wide grin still gracing his face and gave a curt nod to the audience before looking back to her with a sly smile. “Looks like I forgot something.”

Before she could even react he kissed her, one arm still hanging loosely around her waist. She felt a blush spread across her already pink cheeks like wildfire. The crowd went wild, there were even a few whistles and hoots.

He pulled away with a devilish grin and glanced up at her head. She instinctively reached up to see what he was looking at to feel a tiara resting atop her head.

“Now you are my princess, Rapunzel.” Jack announced.

A small smile broke across her delicate features and she felt like she was going to cry and laugh. She also wanted to slap him for kissing her without permission but found herself wanting him to kiss her again just as much. She figured that she might as well put on a show for her peers and took the bouquet from his strong hand before pecking him on the cheek.

“It would seem so. And I suppose that makes you my prince. But what's a prince without his crown?” she said with a grin before plucking the crown from her own head and placing it on his.” The audience burst out in laughter, she felt as if she were on some television program with a laugh track.

He laughed along and shook his head a bit, before glancing over at her.

She beamed back feeling the glowing feeling return so intensely she swore it could reach all the way to the ends of her hair and back again.

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