Chapter 3: Beauty Queens

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Jack sat in the back of the room checking out all of the hot girls in their English class. There were three girl’s in the school that every guy had his eye on. Coincidentally they were all blond and beautiful, but also very different.  

First there was Ellen, she was a senior. Sadly, since she was an upperclassman, he didn’t have any classes with her but sometimes passed her in the hallway. She was a brainiac, took all AP and Honors classes, had a solid 4.0, and was on track to be valedictorian. But behind all those brains, there was plenty of beauty to measure up. With long, bleach blond hair that she always wore up in some kind of braid or bun, deep sapphire eyes that struck you like ice whenever you peered into them, and a tall, curvy body. But she kept to herself most of time, didn’t seem to have any kind of interest in boys. No one had yet to crack her formal, slightly stuck-up shell. So she was off- limits.

Next was Astrid. Her name meant divine beauty, and it suited her well. She had layered yellow blond hair and bright blue eyes that she could either use to fill you with longing or strike fear into your heart. She had the same curvy body as Ellen but it was compressed into a shorter stature. She was also incredibly athletic and toned. She was the captain of the volleyball team and the only girl on the wrestling team. If you ever wanted to find her, she could be found at the rec center nearly everyday of the week. She was the definition of a tough cookie. Sweet when she wanted to be, yet she could beat up anyone in the entire school. But Jack’s best friend Hayden had, had a thing for her ever since he could remember.

And last, but certainly not least, was Rachel. Or as he liked to call her, Rapunzel, because of her long golden blond hair and angelic singing voice. She was sweeter than candy with a caring heart and a deep respect for everyone and everything. And she certainly didn’t lack in the beauty department. She had naturally tan skin that eminated a sunkissed glow that you couldn’t get from a bottle, a sprinkle of freckles helped add to her complexion. Her eyes were a playful green with flecks of the same gold that ran through her hair. She was his girl.

The only challenge was her mother. She was extremely overprotective, and outlawed anything that even suggested the idea of fun. But he would get to her, he could see a little spark of rebellion in her eyes and a bad boy like him would be the perfect to help kindle that flame. Jack was determined to make a fire, luckily he was good of that. He had proven that when he had ‘accidentally’ set the science lab on fire in 7th grade.

The bell rang, shattering his thoughts like a sheet of glass. He shot up from his desk like he’d managed to set that on fire too. He strode over to Hayden who was fiddling with his sketchbook and wrapped a strong arm around his narrow shoulder. “Hey Hicc, I think I found a way to get you a girl.”

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