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Things just weren't working out between you and Tyler. The flame that was once set your lives aflame has died out, having been washed away by the water that came from every tear drop that occurred after every single fight. That's why you were standing in your room, Tyler in front of you.

"I'm sorry, Tyler... we're just not working out, I know you know that." You say after you give him the breakup speech. There's a look in his eye, the same one that he has when you fought, and a tear slides down his cheek. He wasn't one to cry often but you brought out the worst in him. You solemnly stared at Tyler, "Please leave."


@.(Y/T/U): As of today, I think I'll just stay home..

posted 11/13/17

@.iamwildcat: Blocking someone's number gives me a sense of power

posted 11/13/17

@.(Y/T/U): As of today, I never want to see your face or do anything with you like I once did.

posted 11/14/17

@.iamwildcat: I need to learn how to live without some people

posted 11/14/17

@.(Y/T/U): Isn't it obvious, you guys? Tyler and I broke up. Please stop bothering me about it.

           @.iamwilcat replied: @.(Y/T/U) no need to be moody, (y/n)

              @.sugarysours replied: @.iamwildcat @.(Y/T/U) spicy memes

@.iamwildcat: she walked out on me, fuck off with the "wtf tyler"s

posted 11/16/17

@.(Y/T/U): yes, i broke up with tyler. but it was after numerous counts of fighting and tyler sometimes getting aggressive. you can't blame me.

posted 11/16/17

@.iamwildcat: the whore is probably already fucking someone else lol

           @.(Y/T/U) replied: @.iamwildcat here we go again, stop listening to rumors about my life through the grapevine.

             @.eatasnicker replied: @.iamwildcat @.(Y/T/U) haha get fucked tyler

                @.iamwildcat replied: @.(Y/T/U) @.eatasnicker shove a snicker up your ass cunt

posted 11/20/17  

@.(Y/T/U): you're so fucking complicated.

            @.bodypillows: keemstar wya?

                 @.jesuspencils: @.dramaalert check this shit out

posted 11/24/17  


Your phone buzzed to another direct message from Keemstar. You didn't want to go on Drama Alert but you were getting irritated so you picked up your phone and said yes to his interview.


@.(Y/T/U): drama alert loves me

posted 12/1/17


On the interview, Keemstar asked a multiude of question that you knew he would use against you later so you always answered them very carefully. "What exactly happened behind the camera between you and Wildcat?"

"Almost every time he turned off his recording or camera, he would find something to fight with me about. Whether or not I need to take a cooking class because apparently my food tastes like my dad's ashes, he blamed me for his games crashing, blamed me for his dogs getting sick because he can barely remember to fucking feed them, and he always got mad at me for getting dressedto leave the house to see friends. He would accuse me of cheating on him with his best friends, but of course, he never accused them. He even got physically violent sometimes but it never escalated past a simple slap. I just got fed up and broke up with him and now he's causing shit."

"Have you seen anyone since the break up? Whether it be a one-night stand or going on dates?" He asked, and you could hear him eating that damn popcorn. "No, but he has."


"Before he blocked my number, he sent me a photo of him and his ex girlfriend kissing and captioned it as, 'replaced.'" You said chuckling at his stupidity. "Didn't bother me though, the reason why they broke up is because she could stop snorting cocaine and giving blowjobs to other guys. That's something he never wanted to get out into the public, that his ex-girlfriend is a drug-addict who is also addicted to fucking other guys."


The interview went viral. You had basically just trashed a guys' career and you didn't feel one bit guilty about it. Tyler kept posting photos of his subscriber count going down, he lost thousands of twitter followers in a day.

The last tweet he would post for a month said, "fucking snakes" and when you read that, all you could do was laugh.

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