In Common Pt.1

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The next day passes, laying on my side of the berth as he lays on his side. I continue to sleep in peace, turning onto my left side, knowing that I was still nude under the soft bed sheets that we shared. I give a soft groan, stirring a bit as I then slowly begin to wake up, and then carefully, and quietly, sitting up on the berth. I give a stretch and a soft yawn, and then have my eyes turned toward at him as he continues to sleep. I see him twitch his nose, hearing him give a low growl and then a purr, as he sighed, continuing to sleep.

"Agh..." I give a soft groan, as I then get up from the berth as I continue to stretch more so that I could feel a bit more comfortable, finding my armor on the side of the berth, on the floor. Giving a sigh, I then lean down to grab it and then slip it back on so that I wasn't nude anymore. Hesitating, but wanting to do so, I then silently, without waking him up, go out the door, and then to go explore the place on my own.

*2 hours later...*

Okay, I may not been thinking this through, but maybe, I may have made him a bit pissed off when I left the room, one of the rules like a slave myself has broke. I give a cry out, being pushed against the wall, harshly, feeling the TIGHT grip on my neck, him choking me as I then constantly squirm.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT LEAVING THE ROOM!?!"  He gives out an angry and a ferocious snarl at me as he continues to choke me.

"Master, please! I'm sorry for disobeying the rule!" I then begged for him to let me go, as I then continue to squirm.

"You better be, if you EVER disobey me again, it'll be more than just a smack on the face! Do I make myself clear?!" He gives an angry growl at me, venting visible air upon my face, feeling him hot breath.

"Y-yes, master..." I give a small squeak out and then give a grunt as he then threw me on the ground, as I then coughed, trying to breathe for air.

"Weak...." He gives an angry scoff, as he then forced me to get up as he gripped my wrist tight as I stood up on my feet.

"M-master....for-forgive me...." I then give a small whimper, as he then pulls me as he starts to walk, keeping the tight grip on my wrist as I followed. With a gasp, he pulled me close as he pinned me against the wall, as I then turn my head to the side, him pressing his body against mine and his face leaning closer as he give a growl at me in my audio and whispered darkly, saying.....

"You know who is charge here....dont you..?" He whispered darkly as I give a shudder.

"Y-yes..." I answered with a soft reply.

"And you know why you belong to me...?" He gives a growl, and then feeling him, as I gasp, lick my audio seductively.

"N-no....."I then give a scared sigh.

" only answer to me...and me you understand...?" He then gives a low snarl, having his hands brace against the wall on each side of me.

"Yes sir...." I replied softly, feeling a bit terrified as I see fit.

" pet....very good..." He strokes my cheek gently and gives a lick on my other cheek.

"Ngh....." I give a shudder, feeling him stroke one cheek an he licks the other, seeing him pull away as I feel him grip my chin and moves my head to face him, as I then look into his eyes.

"Come.  You still have to learn your place if you want to live...." He gripped my wrist tight.

"W-where are we going?" Asking out as as pulled me as I followed him from behind.

"You'll see, be patient." He said harshly as he continue to pull my, my wrist was now in a bit of pain thanks to him. Dammit.

After several minutes later. he took me to a big room. Technically, there was noting but a wall of some Cybertronian symbols and I knew what it exactly meant as well. They read:

"The time has come, the time is now, and forever may you hold that promise..."

What did that mean?

"Now...this is why I have you and it's a good reason to." He whispered darkly yet in a husky way in my audio that a shiver runs along my metallic spine. I then whipped my helm as well as my body and have my gaze upon him. I was definitely curious to know.

"Why? Why here?" I asked him calmly.

I just hear him give a hum. And now a bit surprised as he went on his knees before me and my very form.

"A long time I have searched for someone....a femme. That one femme that I will continue on to keep and cherish and teach the ways of living in my domain. The first time I set my optics upon you and had spoken, I have lied to you. That is not the reason why I have you. I was angry and I took it out on you harshly and treated you harshly as well. I now know what it is being treated such a thing and forever will. I know your name now, Eclipse the Autobot. You have touched my spark and made me fall in deep love for you.  I want you, and I want you to want me. Please stay with me. I wish to make love with you and always want to. I want to be the mech you deserve. And it's your choice whether to stay or not because of the ways I have been treating you and how I acted. Now.....what will the answer be......?"

I was speechless....I didn't know what to say......

Man this is hard.

A/N: Will she stay or will she leave him forever? Stay tuned for the next chapter and sorry for the long wait folks! I was busy.... but enjoy! 

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