Chapter 13 - That easy, huh?

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Chapter 13 – That easy, huh?

Alexa's POV

"Well screw you!" Dylan yells after me as I make my way to the front door and slam it shut behind me. I can't be in this house anymore, not with him, it's too exhausting.

It's not very often that I'm given spontaneous time off from work and I was so relieved when Jenny told me yesterday that she and Stuart would take over for the day. It was a nice gesture, one I was all too willing to take them up on at the time, but I'm starting to regret it now.

It had been a fairly alright day up until an hour ago. I got up early to help my parents get the youngest of our lot ready for school and then, after only minimal struggle with that task, I went back to bed. I didn't wake up again until gone midday. Originally, I was going to spend the majority of the day with Darcy but she was busy working, so I just spent the day at home watching all kinds of crappy TV shows with my mum until she had to go pick the kids up from Primary. Then, at four, the others got back from school too.

That's when the chaos began.

I swear, Dylan just likes to pick arguments with me, that's the only explanation for it. You ask him to help with one thing and he acts like you've kicked a dog or some shit. I mean, helping Olivia with her homework, it's not that unreasonable of a request, right? Christ, Sofia even helps out more than Dylan and she's only ten.

He needs to just grown the hell up and just-

"Ugh." I kick a stone into the road as I walk along the pavement.

It's a stupid thing to be this annoyed at, I know, but when stuff like this happens nearly every day it gets really old really fast. When I was sixteen I had to help look after the others all the damn time, I didn't have a choice, and now that he's being asked he's just-

I sigh and shake my head. This is why I don't mind having so many shifts at the pub, it gets me out of the house so I can avoid this kind of crap. The irony is that my shift today, if I had one, would be just starting now. I'd have a reason to go out, instead of simply wandering about this same old tiny ass town aimlessly. It's days like this when I really can't wait to get the hell out of this town, just go somewhere new and do something different.

Everything in this town is the same as it was when I was a child, there's nothing interesting here for me.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice someone walking towards me on the other side of the road and I glance up, all too ready to see someone I've known since infancy. I'm pleasantly surprised, however, when I see who it is.

Beck strolls along, a slight frown creasing his forehead as if he's deep in thought, and it's clear he hasn't seen me yet. When he does the frown disappears, his lips forming into a smirk as he crosses the road towards me. I stop and let him catch up.

"Alright, Blondie? These meetings are becoming a bit more than coincidence now, don't you think?" he says, smirk still in place.

"You calling me a stalker?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Should I be calling you a stalker?"

"Oh, please," I roll my eyes. "As if I'd stalk you."

"Right. Don't act as if I'm not irresistible."

"Wow. About as much as you are humble," I reply, shrugging in mock apology as I start walking. He laughs at that, shaking his head as he falls into step next to me. "Besides," I continue, "You were the one that followed me home, remember?"

He thinks about that for a few seconds, tilting his head slightly as he tries to think of a comeback before apparently giving up.

"Yeah, I guess I can't deny that one," he says with a shrug.

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