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the day starts out like any other. junior year of high school is pretty dull. i'm waiting at the lockers for finn, like always. it's routine.

then i hear a voice.

"hey, uh..."

i turn to look at the speaker.

it's an unfamiliar face. he has friendly eyes and dirty blonde hair that looks like effort was put into it. he gives me a half-smile and seems a bit nervous.

"where can i find room 151?" he asks. i hear a british accent.

i smile at him. he's obviously new here.

"it's right past the library over there. i actually have the same class next." i say, pointing in that direction.

he smiles back and thanks me. as he walks away i look down at his heart-string out of habit.

my smile fades. and my heart stops.

his string. it's connected to my heart.

i just met my soulmate. my soulmate. i stand there, shocked. just like that, he's gone around the corner, and i watch our heart-string grow longer and longer and longer...


the sound of my name snaps me back to reality.

i whirl around to see that adorable goofy grin that i love so much.


i wrap my arms around him, giving him a giant hug. it feels so good to hug him right now. i pull away, happy. then i look up at his face.

in all the years i've known him, he's only gotten more attractive. i admire the halo of dark messy curls that sit atop his head, the large brown eyes that are always soft and kind with me, the perfectly defined cheekbones that make his smiles even cuter, and the adorable freckles that decorate every expression. just a glance at him makes my heart flutter.

"what's up?" he asks.

oh nothing, just kinda met my FREAKING SOULMATE. you?

"it's been a few minutes and i'm already done with school."

he laughs. i love his laugh.

he grabs a few notebooks from our shared locker.

the bell rings, signaling that we have five minutes.

"i gotta run. chemistry test." finn says.

"don't die!" i shout as he starts off.

"ill try!" he shouts back.

i sigh and turn in the opposite direction. my soulmate is just down the hall. kind of strange how i can completely count on being happy with the boy i just met, and i have yet to learn his name. i could just give in. i could get to know him and let myself fall in love. it would be so easy. but somehow, i feel that my heartbreak over finn would overpower that love. so i'll avoid him to the best of my ability. i'm determined to not fall in love with my soulmate. goodness, what is my life?

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