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i'm so excited to tell finn, i can't contain myself. i text him to meet me at joe's, and set out to do just that.

i arrive there in no time, and once i enter, i allow my eyes to scan the room for him. the only face i find is romeo's.

oh brother.

he smiles and lifts his hand, beckoning me over.

i ignore him.

he frowns and waves more clearly this time.

i ignore him yet again and walk to my usual booth, which is thankfully on the other side of the shop.

he leaves his seat and makes his way over to me.

this boy just won't give up, will he?

he sits directly across from me.


i look up at him.


i make sure not to put any emotion in my voice.

"what's up with you?" he asks.

"what's up with me? you're the one following me around all the damn time."

his cheeks flush a bit at that.

"i just—"

i raise my eyebrows in expectance.

"i'm drawn to you." he says.

please, no.

"you should stay away from me."

"why? what will it take for you to pay me any attention?"

"i'm not interested in paying you any attention."


my heart stutters at the sound of my name in his mouth.

"i'm not giving up on you."

ok romeo. you wanna play? let's play.

"fine. what've you got?"

i give him a cold look. one eyebrow raised.

"from the moment i saw you, i knew i had to speak to you. i don't know what it was about you. i just have to get to know you. i'd like to at least be friends."

"i don't—"

"please." he cuts me off.

and for the first time, i'm looking directly into his pleading eyes.

and what a mistake that was.

they're soft, welcoming. eyes that make me feel like i could open up to him. just by looking into his eyes, i want to let go.

"i.." my mouth is dry, the words stuck in my throat. his eyes are too much to handle, and i can't look at them any longer.

so instead, i look at his heartstring. but that doesn't help much. the two sides are begging, yearning to be closer. i try with all my might to fight the urge. the urge to rid us of the space between us. where is finn right now? why can't i remember his face in this moment?

so i close my eyes and imagine finn. he's an angel, if there ever was one. every feature, angelic. and i love him. i won't give up on him now.

"i can't," i exhale, after what feels like hours, "i'm sorry."

and just then, a certain brunette walks up and interrupts our conversation.

"hey, romeo is it?"

romeo tears his hurt eyes from mine and looks up at finn.

"yeah? what's it to you?"

"you're talking to my best friend, is all."

friend. the word stings like a fresh cut.

"right. i was just leaving anyway."

romeo stands abruptly and storms off, slamming the door behind him and startling a few costumers.

finn turns to me, and his expression becomes confused.

"what was that all about?" he sits where romeo had been.

"he, uh—"

"was he bothering you? are you okay?"

i realize he's probably concerned by my expression. i try to calm myself.

"yeah. i'm-i'm okay." i stutter.

"okay..." he let's it go, thankfully. "why did you need to meet me so soon?"

then i remember why i scheduled this meeting in the first place.

"sadie!" i exclaim, "sadie met him!"

"she met caleb?" his face lights up.

i nod, smiling.

"she totally likes him already. and i may or may not have said that we'd all hang out?" i speak in a questioning tone, awaiting his reaction.

"operation cadie is finally underway." he responds.

he smiles at me, and i smile back.



oof. we most definitely DO NOT stan my unfrequent updates. nope. bully me a little more this time, maybe i'll update faster.

anyway, THANK YOU THANK YOU for 2k reads i'm srsly so happy about that! all the votes and comments make me 💕💘💖💗💓💞💝


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