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the party is surreal, like a movie. music blaring, colored light filling the room, red solo cups at every other glance.

sadie turns to me with excited eyes.

"go ahead and find finn while i get us both drinks."

"can you get me a soda?"

"sure thing."

i nod and she leaves to do that.

i start to walk around, searching for the dark curls which are so identifiable.

as i stride between clusters of people, i take notice of the familiar faces in them, as well as the ones of strangers. people don't miss the sequined dress as much as i'd like them to.

suddenly, i hear a phrase shouted over the music.

"nice legs, brown!"

i freeze, my face heating up.

"shut up, jacob!" scolds a feminine voice.

i brush it off and keep walking, fully aware that it's the first time that's ever happened to me. i look at my string, something that used to calm me, but now not so much. if only it lead me to him.

after walking around for a few minutes, i finally spot him. he's talking to someone. i recognize her as lily, the girl who'd asked him out a while back. she's smiling and laughing, and maybe it's all in my head, but it seems as if finn isn't having as much fun talking to her. i wonder if they ever went on more than one date.

i wait for their conversation to come to an end before approaching him. lily is gone at this point.

"what's up with you two?"

i seem to catch him by surprise.

"uh, you mean lily? i dunno. she's really nice and all but..maybe a little too nice if you get what i'm saying."

"yeah, i noticed."

"anyway, where's sadie?"

"around. she was getting us drinks."

he notices the dress and his expression changes.

"woah, this is...different." he gestures towards my outfit.

"yeah, sadie made me wear it. i look like a disco ball."

he laughs, "no, you look good mills."

my heart skips and i can only hope he can't see my blush in the dim lighting.

before i can respond, sadie interrupts.

"here is your soda, miss millie!"

finn and i smile at her.

"how are you already buzzed?" i laugh.

she shrugs and then gets distracted.

"are they doing karaoke?!" she grabs my hand and rushes over to the sound, dragging me with her.

i mouth a quick "help me" to finn. he laughs and follows close behind.

after what seems like a hundred songs, sadie is finally tired of karaoke. she plops down next to me on the couch with tired eyes.

"i think i won." she says.

"oh, you definitely did."

"thank you."

her eyes suddenly widen at the sight of someone across the room. i turn in the direction she's looking to find caleb talking to gaten matarazzo. i turn back to her.

"go talk to him."

"what? no way."

"why not?"

"because that is simply not in my range of capabilities at the moment, thank you very much."

"um, it looks like he's coming over here."


i smile and give her a thumbs up as good luck. caleb approaches us with a smile.

"hey sadie. you look gorgeous."

she blushes profusely at that.

"thanks, uh...you look—great too," after a second she realizes i'm still there and introduces us.

"oh, caleb this is millie. millie, caleb."

"hi." i smile at him. he smiles and says hey back.

i scoot over to finn on the other end of the couch and leave them to talk.

"hey." i say to him.

he smiles and puts his arm around me.

"hey. how you likin' this party so far?"


"solid rating. but to be fair the excitement hasn't arrived yet. where are we with sadie and caleb?"

"well, they're chatting it up pretty good at the moment but we're gonna need more than that."

"something like...spin the bottle perhaps?"

oh god.



nothing could ever go wrong at a party. right?


heartstrings - fillieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin