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"okay, when is the first step of operation cadie happening?" finn asks.

"you up for a party on friday?" i ask, recalling the senior who'd spread word of one earlier that day.

"who's throwing it?" he inquires.

"gaten matarazzo." i answer.

"that's perfect! sadie will never say no to a party and caleb will definitely be there."

"all we have to do is get them alone."

we smile at each other, confident in our plan. i look into his gorgeous eyes. romeo's are nothing compared to his.

"uh—i gotta go," he stands abruptly, breaking our gaze, "i've got homework and stuff."

"oh, okay." i answer, a bit confused at the sudden urgency of his departure.

he waves goodbye and leaves.

what was that all about? homework and stuff?

i put the thought aside and instead take out my phone to text sadie.

millster - hey, finn and i are thinking about going to matarazzo's party. wanna come?

shady sadie - hell yes i do

millster - i'll come over after school on friday to get ready :)

i put my phone away and sigh. now i just gotta wait for friday to come.


it was too late when i realized that i didn't really feel like going to a party. they're more sadie's thing than mine, and i especially don't like the added factor that romeo might be there. it's all too possible with his newfound popularity.

but friday came, and i went to sadie's house anyway.

"MILLIEEE!" she yells as i enter her room, "i don't know what to wear!! i've got to look good for a matarazzo party."

"oh, so it has nothing to do with the fact that caleb might be there?"

"shut up!" she throws a shirt in my face, blushing.

i laugh and take notice of the beautifully chaotic room. piles of clothes splayed across every inch of the place. this is always what it looks like when she gets ready.

"let's see what you brought."

i open my bag and pull out some clothes i grabbed from my closet.

"hmm.." she takes a look through with a questioning face.

"you're way too modest with your clothing. show a little skin! flaunt that cute waist of yours!"


"i know, i know. just humor me for a sec."

she pulls out a beige striped sequin dress.

"this would look so good on you."

i sigh in defeat.

"only for you."

she grins and ushers me in the closet to change.

as i change into the dress, i know she thought of my preferences when she picked it out. it's not tight, not too short, and relatively simple. but still, the bright sequins would call anyone's attention.

i emerge in the dress and sadie breaks into a pout.

"if you don't wear that i'll cry."

"i don't know...it's kind of loud."

"well then it's time to stop being so dang quiet!"

i laugh at her.

"ok but i'm wearing a denim jacket over it."

"yay! okay, now help me."

i offer my advice on a few options and she settles on an outfit. she goes to change and emerges in a lacy black top tucked into flowy white pants that drop to the floor.

my jaw drops with them.

"what?" she asks.

"you look stunning, that's what!"

"really? i wasn't sure about this one."

"you look wayy too good to not be sure."

she smiles.

"alright then, outfits are done. i do makeup, you do hair?"

i nod and grab my hairbrush in preparation.

when we're done, sadie ends up looking like a goddess in a smokey eye. she sports a red lip and a fishtail braid. i have my hair in short waves with glittery eyeshadow to match my dress and some soft blush on my cheeks.

"let's go party." she smiles at me.

i grab a jean jacket and black booties and she grabs some red heels, and with that we're off.


as sadie drives up the street to our destination, it's obvious which address holds the party. lights are visible and music can be heard from the matarazzo mansion.

she parks her car and turns to me, smiling.


"as ready as i'll ever be." i shrug.

"this'll be a good one. i know it."

i give her a hopeful smile and we exit the car.

i check my phone, and sure enough there's a text from finn.

"we'll meet finn inside." i tell sadie as we approach the entrance.

the music gets louder and people can be heard from inside. i feel an anxiety rising in my body, and i try my best to push it down.

here goes nothing.

i step inside.




i do realize i went on a bit of a hiatus w this story, and i'm sorry. i just had the worst writer's block. i'm so happy i was able to break it though and bring you guys an update. i'm sorry it took so long, but i just wasn't happy w my writing before but i've finally gotten to the point where i'm satisfied w this.

expect more frequent updates!


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