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"are you serious?" i say, smiling.

he smiles back, "got a better idea?"

i think for a second and shake my head.

"that's what i thought, silly. leave the planning to me."

"and how exactly do you have so much experience?" i say, holding back a smile.

"i'm pretty sure this is not my first party.."

"shut up." i smile and punch him playfully, "alright then, let's see you work your skills."

he smiles. and maybe it's the lights, but i swear i see his eyes sparkle. they sparkle with the nature of a secret. but before i can figure out what it is, he breaks our gaze and calls to someone across the room.

"hey chris! i'll bet you can't drink the rest of that vodka." he gestures to a mostly empty bottle on a nearby table. he turns and winks at me.

"i'll bet you i can!" chris responds.

he's a big guy with a buzz cut and a hard-set jaw. he walks over with his chest out and starts chugging the vodka furiously. soon a small crowd has gathered and they're all chanting 'CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!'

he finishes with a smile and lets out a long burp. i laugh and finn pretends to be thoroughly impressed.

"didn't think you could do it man."

"are you kidding? you're talking to chris FREAKIN' martin!" he says, pounding his chest.

finn gives me a look that says, he's crazy.

i raise my eyebrows in agreement.

once chris is done with his self-praising, it's finn's turn to call everyone's attention.

"we're starting a game of spin the bottle over here!" he shouts, raising the now empty vodka bottle in his right hand, "you all know it's not a real party without it!"

he moves aside as a few people start to gather around and pull their friends along.

well that worked.

he sets the now empty bottle on the floor and asks for any volunteers to go first.

i start to walk away, not really interested in kissing people at chance. but before i can get too far, sadie is at my side with that same excited look on her face that she had before.

"where are you going?" she asks with pleading eyes, "this is when the party gets interesting! what if the bottle lands on finn?"

"well, it's more likely to land on some random person."

"but it could land on finn," she implores, "come on, let's play."

she grabs my hand and i give in, letting her take me back to the group. i sit slowly, noah schnapp and lilia buckingham making space for the two of us. i take look around the circle and cringe at the sight of romeo there. he hasn't spotted me yet. a couple other recognizable faces sit there as well; wyatt oleff, iris apatow. i focus instead on the bottle. someone has spun it—a girl—and it starts to slow. i watch as it lands on a boy. the excitement and anticipation begins. they both crawl over to kiss each other. it's only a small peck, so i gather they don't know each other too well. still, how can they be so casual about it?

it continues like this for a few rounds. there aren't many people in the circle, but it's still such a small chance that sadie and caleb end up kissing. why did finn suggest this again? is he hoping to get something out of it? is he hoping the 'fun will begin', as sadie claimed it would? and when does the fun begin, exactly?

to be honest, it was starting to get a bit entertaining. sometimes i can sense the discomfort or relief among the two that are to kiss, and it makes for an interesting show. i watch as one pair of soulmates share their first kiss together and i smile.

they have no idea what just happened.

the turns go in a clockwise direction and my hands get more and more clammy as my turn approaches. soon, lilia buckingham is taking her turn. sadie is next, and after sadie...

the bottle spins and spins. it lands on a girl. lilia shrugs and gets up to kiss her.

oh dear. my anxiety is through the roof and i fight the urge to get up and run.

but now it's sadie's turn. i have to stay.

please let it be caleb. please let it be caleb.

it's caleb. her face goes red.

she lets out a whisper,
"what do you know."

caleb seems caught off guard by it too. but he smiles.

there's a pause. finn breaks the tension.

"alright lovebirds, time to smooch."

"shut up, wolfhard." sadie retorts.

but they crawl over and do just that. and it's quite adorable. you can tell that with them, it fits.

and just for a second, i forget that it's my turn.



i always forget to work on this, i'm sorryyy.

don't hate me lol just remind me if you rly want a new chapter and i'll work on it.


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