Chapter 12

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Hey--sorry for not posting in so long. I got so many things going on and plus new stories in the making or already in progress..*sigh*  Let me tell's a lot. Enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think, I love reading your comments. xD



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(Time Skip)

Tap.Tap.Tap.Tap.Tap. I'm about this close of losing it...Tap.Tap.Tap--

(JD)- " Kenzie! " I shout

(Kenzie)- " Sorry-- I almost got it."

(JD)- " Got what?" I say laying down staring blankly at the ceiling. Seeing Sawyer get into some strangers me thinking "What's going on inside his head?". Is he doing this for attention? Hanging out with some older people...I don't know. I run my fingers through my hair and deeply sigh.

(Kenzie)- " You saw him, least we know he's alive and okay" I hear her typing away quickly.

(JD)- "Yeah but for how long?"

(Kenzie)- " Long enough for me to finally hack this...come, check this out" Hack what? Kenzie always sees to amaze me.I got up from laying on my bed and stepped over to her sitting on my desk. I place my hand on the back of the chair and on the edge of the desks to look over her shoulder. I look at her laptop screen to....uhh, I don't know exactly.

(JD)- " What the hell am I looking at?"

(Kenzie)- " All my hard work. I hacked into my Dad's security."

(JD)- " You hacked your dads-- wait, wait,wait-- this is what you've been doing for the past few weeks?"

(Kenzie)- " Yeah" she says nonchalantly.

(JD)- " And it took you this long?"

(Kenzie)- " My dad has very tight security. I don't know why but I, his daughter...hacked his high security system" she says proudly. Wow, impressed.

(JD)- " Why hack into your dad's security?"

(Kenzie)- " I've been hearing my dad, your dad and sawyers dad talking..."

(JD)- " about?" This was peeking my curiosity, our dads in the same room-- talking? secretively? 

(Kenzie)- " I don't know exactly.."

(JD)- " Wow, Kenzie...way to get me curious for nothing." I say as I frowned.

(Kenzie)- " Hey, I did the hard part. Now its your turn.." I hear the doorbell ring.

(JD)- " I'll do my part when theres something weird happens. I'll be right back" I opened my door and headed out. I headed downstairs and I unlocked the front door. There stood Sawyer's dad, Baird.

You're Gonna Go Far, Kid. (( BOOK 3 of "Phantom" )) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now