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Somehow the negotiation between the two went well and began their journey together

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Somehow the negotiation between the two went well and began their journey together. Henceforth, to fortify the trust between them, Namjoon kept her bracelet in his pocket while Zera has his bag of loot in her bag—neither one of them will try to escape nor even sabotage their agreement. It's been already three hours since they started to travel on foot back to her village. Zera decided to use the shortcut so that their travel time will be reduced by two weeks. However, the path they will take is beyond the eastlore forest.

The rumored forest where ferocious beasts and unearthly entities dwelling within there. Many travelers kept avoiding that place while folks use it as part of their tale to scare naughty children. She took another path for her search because of that. But this time is different, there's nothing to be afraid of since the legendary hero is with her and they must hurry to their destination. No complaints from him, though she wondered if he knew about the forest.

Their entire walk was too quiet and it bothers her a bit. She thought that the questions that keep nagging her mind about him will somehow fill the silence.

"Why did you disappear all of a sudden?" She asked.

Namjoon looked at her surprised not because of engaging conversation with him, but the question itself that he needs to think of an alibi quickly.

"Um...I took a break!"


"Yeah, I felt tired saving your asses so I need to get away with the responsibility." He replied while scratching at the back of his head.

"Then why are you stealing?"

"Ah..." He searched around his mind again to make up an excuse. When already found one, he thought it sounded stupid, but it's the only plausible excuse he could think of and hoping she would buy it. "I need to earn for a living since I don't have a decent job."

"Well, you could easily just ask some villagers for that since you're the legendary hero! You save us from the elves!" She exclaimed.

He raised his left eyebrow and wondered if she's being too serious about his absurd excuse. Nevertheless, he will question her this time to change the topic before she finds out his fraud identity.

"Right about them, what did they do to your village?" He asked.

"It's not just our village; I think every village of this land as well. Ever since you disappeared, the elves started to terrorize the humans again. They usually abduct humans either to serve as slaves or worse..." She lowered her gaze and continued, "The need to feed using humans' life force. This time, we're lucky they gave us time to select before the eclipse so that I could find you."

Namjoon can't deny all what she said is true because he knew the elves as well. He was also a victim too; their hunger for power and obsession for youth that cast him out of his home—powerless. In spite of that, he didn't care about the past anymore and more likely enjoyed the life of thievery.

"I've heard there's a realm called Alfheim," He looked at her with a smile etched on his face. "The realm of light and beauty; inhibited by the ethereal demigod-like beings. They can live for thousands of years for time does not exist. However, an unexpected turn of events shaken the beings and their entire realm, they became so weak and vulnerable to severe diseases. Time became an essential that youth can't be retained anymore."

"Why are you saying this to me?" She asked.

Before he could answer, they have finally arrived in front of the eastlore forest. Both of them stopped and stared widely at the bizarre sighting. Instead the whole forest is covered in snow, the trees and shrubs are abundant with fresh green leaves. The mulchy odor coming from damp organic floor rushed to them like a tidal wave. Different pitches of wild birds—altogether composing a sweet melody throughout the shady roof of the forest.

What they have witnessed is something impossible—a warm area that's apart from the chilly, frozen land. This strange phenomenon could prove the rumored mythical creatures' existence, and the risk they will take.

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