Double Date

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Today was the day that Tyler and Josh were gonna go on their first date with Jenna and Debby.

During the day, the four of them sat together and decided to go to Olive Garden. So right when class ended, Josh and Tyler went straight to Josh's house to get ready.

However, because of the exhausting day they had, they laid down on Josh's bed back to back to clear their thoughts.

Tyler scooted closer to his boyfriend.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"A little." Josh said. "It's just that, it's my first date with a girl."

"It won't be so bad. It's just like when we went on dates together. But instead with a girl. So it may be a little different."

Josh looked at Tyler.

"You really think so?" He asked him.

"I know so." Tyler said.

He placed a gentle kiss on Josh's cheek before getting off the bed. He went to his closet to look for an outfit.

"Do you still have those red penguin suits." Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Josh said.

"They're on the left."

Tyler managed to get them out of the closet and lay them side by side on Josh's bed. When Tyler looked to his boyfriend, he saw that he was still laying on the bed.

"Come on Josh, you're not gonna do that on your date with Debby." He said.

Josh got up and stood next to Tyler while they got ready.

Later, Tyler and Josh headed out the door all ready for the date. Josh wore his red penguin suit with black jeans. His hair was dyed red and he had red eye shadow.
Tyler wore the same thing but with his neck and arms in black body paint.

They got into Josh's car and drove to go pick up the girls.

"Where did Jenna say to pick her up?" Josh asked Tyler while driving.

Tyler looked on his phone.

"At Debby's house." He said.

"Well, she must of did the same thing we did."

"Yeah she did." Tyler said.

The two started laughing.

Eventually, they picked up Jenna and Debbie and they made their way to Olive Garden.
The four had just arrived and were already in their seats and have already ordered. Josh sat next to Debby and they were in front of Tyler and Jenna, whom also sat next to each other.

"Should we tell you guys about ourselves?" Tyler asked.

"Sure." Jenna said.

"Of course." Debby said.

"Josh you start."

"What!" Josh cried. "No way, you're a better speaker than I am."

"Come on Josh." Tyler pleaded.

Josh sighed.

Well, I play the drums."

"Oh really?" Debby said. "My brother plays the drums too."

"Cool!" Josh said. "And my sister is a singer. She recently dropped a song that me and Tyler hate."

"Don't be like that!" Jenna scolded. "That's your sister."

Tyler and Josh started laughing.

"But did she have a good voice?" Debby asked.

"Definitely." Josh said.

"She really has good taste." Tyler added. The four of them smiled through the whole time.

Later, they went to a garden to hang out in the night time. Music was playing the background so the dates decided to share a dance together.
Josh danced with Debby while Tyler danced with Jenna.

During the dance, Jenna looked into Tyler's eyes.

"What do you think of Josh?" She asked.

"He's a great friend." Tyler said. "I'm glad he's in my life."

Tyler almost said that he was in love with him, but he held his tongue inside his mouth and continued to dance with his girlfriend without any conversation.

"Do you like Tyler?" Debby asked Josh while dancing with him.

"Of course." Josh said. "He's my best friend."

Debby smiled and laid her head against Josh's chest. Josh started to feel weird and he looked at Tyler. He silently said with his lips, "you got this."

Josh smiled a little and went along with it.

The four continued to dance during the next couple of hours through the night.

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