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Josh had already got into bed. Tyler took his shirt off and put on his underwear. He suddenly saw that Josh was still silent. He turned to him.

"Is everything alright?" Tyler asked.

"I just haven't been feeling well since the accident." Josh said.

Tyler got into bed next to Josh.

"Tell me about it." He said.

"It's just that, I feel as if I'm dying a little each day." Josh said. "The medicine isn't helping, I still feel weak, and it's like I'll pass out and never wake up."

When Tyler heard what his love said, he felt sorrow. He started to think that all along, that was the reason why he was quiet. Because if he went out of line, he would die.

Tyler rested in Josh's arms.

"I'm not gonna let you die." Tyler said. "If you die, I die. And I'm not gonna let any of that happen."

Josh kissed Tyler's shoulder.

"I won't." He said.

The two boys looked at each other romantically. Then they climbed on each other and made love. They kissed and hugged while in bed. Which caused Josh to moan and groan a little. And that's when Tyler stopped.

"Maybe I went a little too far." He said. "Let's just go to sleep."

Josh shut the lights. "Goodnight Tyler." He said.

"Goodnight Josh."

The next morning, Josh was the first up. He went downstairs to give himself the shots.

Just as he did, he busted out crying because of how he stuck the needle through his arm. Tyler came downstairs and saw that his dear boyfriend was sad. He came to his side.

"Josh darling?" Tyler said. "Are you alright?"

Josh quickly wiped the tears away from his face.

"Yeah." He said. "I think I stuck the needle in me too quick."

Tyler kissed him on the cheek.

"Feel better?" He asked.

Josh softly laughed.

"Of course Tyler." He said. "Let's watch some TV together."

The two went over to the couch and watched more of SpikeTV. Tyler tried his best to keep Josh happy but, he was still quiet.

Later on in the day, Tyler and Josh went out to the gardens to share their love for each other. They walked through the gardens while holding hands and they even danced with each other. But still, Josh was quiet.

He lay his head against Tyler's chest.

"I love you." He said faintly.

Tyler still heard it.

"I love you too." He replied.

The two looked into each other's eyes while dancing and they began to kiss. Then they danced again. And Tyler began to sing to Josh as he held his love in his arms.

Now the night is coming to an end
The sun will rise and we will try again

Stay alive, stay alive for me
You will die, but now your life is free

Take pride in what is sure to die

I will fear the night again
I hope I'm not my only friend

Stay alive, stay alive for me
You will die, but now your life is free
Take pride in what is sure to die

Josh had tears rolling down his eyes as he listened to Tyler sing to him.

Later, they returned to Tyler's house for the night.

"Hey, I gotta clean out my room a little so we can sleep okay?" Tyler told Josh.

"Okay." Josh said softly.

Tyler smiled and kissed Josh's hand before getting out of car. Josh walked into the house after Tyler went upstairs. He realized he was late to take his medicine. So he went to the kitchen counter and got out his needles.

After his first two shots, Josh felt himself loosing consciousness. His breathing was leaving him. His put his hand over his heart.

"Hey Josh my room is-"

Josh fell to the floor unconscious. Tyler was shocked and horrified when he collapsed. He rushed to his side and laid him in his arms.

Josh was unconscious, he wasn't breathing, his eyes were closed. Tyler looked over him with sadness and fear.

"Josh!" Tyler said while holding him. "Josh please, stay with me!"

Still, Josh was unresponsive.

"Josh, please don't leave me! I love you."

Again, Josh did not respond or show any movement of living. He was dead.

Tyler stared at him with tears rolling down his cheeks. He wrapped his hand behind the back of Josh's neck to his cheek. He laid his head against his cheek and weeped over him. He had lost the love of his life, his best friend and brother.

Josh was dead. And remained dead even if Tyler was hugging him to his arms.

He refused to call the authorities to take his body away. And he didn't want to bury him.

Since his bed was clean, he carried Josh to his room, dressed him in red and black clothes, and placed him on his bed.

From there, Tyler watched over Josh. He never left his side. Even for any reason.

Josh's face never changed. He looked as if he was asleep. But he wasn't.

Holding On To You {Joshler}Where stories live. Discover now