Life Can Throw Curveballs

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Two Weeks Later

"So, this woman has no idea that she is conversing with the subject of her stories?"

Tom tried to avoid Ben's direct stare as he shrugged self-defensively. "Right, but it isn't like I haven't tried to tell her. I've done everything but beg her to exchange names and numbers and such, and she has no interest in doing so right now. What else can I do?"

Ben just shook his head as they walked through LAX. They were in L.A. doing some promotional work for a film and through the whole flight, the poor man had to listen to Tom complain and whine about the fact that Raven was headed in the opposite direction as him. "Well, mate, you're going to have to tell her eventually, you know. If you were just any other bloke, I'd say let her bide her time, but you aren't just anyone. I'm honestly afraid that she's going to freak out when she finally does find out who you are."

Tom just nodded miserably as they found their car to the hotel. "I know, I'm afraid of that as well, but right now there is nothing I can do about it. Only time will tell if there is really anything between us besides friendship anyway. We can't fully get to know each other until we know each other's names and lives. Yeah, we have shared some things, of course, but nothing too personal."

Neither man says much more as they ride to the hotel. Tom was lost in his own thoughts as he tried to think of a way to get her to open up fully to him.


Desi tried not to openly stare as they made their way out of Heathrow to find a car, but everything was just so different from what she was used to. After much discussion and a whole lot of begging on Desi's part, they had finally decided to spend the bulk of their vacation in London. They had both agreed that there was plenty of things to see and do there and that there was no way that they would get bored, but if they did, they could certainly change their plans.

After Hester figured out the money situation, something Desi was not ready to tackle, they caught a taxi to their hotel, The Amba at Charing Cross. Once there, the two sisters quickly got their room situated and soon they were ensconced in a beautifully luxurious suite. Desi sighed as she kicked off her shoes and plopped down on the bed closest to the en-suite. She looked over at Hes, who had done the same on her own bed and gave a big smile. 

"We're not dreaming, right? We're actually in London?"

Hester chuckled as she stared at the ceiling. "We are indeed. What do you want to do first? After we sleep, of course."

Desi shook her head and let out a tired but happy sigh. "Gosh, I don't even know. There's so much to see and do."

She heard Hes answer her around a yawn. "Well, we can figure it out when we wake up." Desi laid there for a while staring at the ceiling before she sighed rather loudly and heard an answering sigh from her sister. "Problem?"

"No, not so much a problem as a... situation. B wants to exchange names and Skype."

Desi heard fabric rustling, then felt the bed dip as Hester sat cross-legged on the bed beside her hip, staring down at her. "And you don't want to? I figured you would want to know who you're talking to."

Desi blew out a breath and looked at Hes before throwing an arm across her eyes. "This was safe, anonymous, you know? But now... what if he takes one look at me and says adios? Right now, he's enamored of my way with words, but what if he doesn't like what he sees? Or gets to know me and decides he doesn't like the person I am?"

Hester removed Desi's arm from her face and smiled down at her kindly. "I think you're more afraid of feeling that way toward him. What if he isn't what your little writer's brain has made him into?" She shook her head. "Honey, you both have to start at a blank slate. No preconceived notions about each other." She grinned before poking Desi in the forehead with her forefinger. "Next time he asks, say yes and go from there. What could go wrong?"

Desi snorted out a laugh as Hester moved back to her bed. "What could go wrong? Famous last words Hester dear."


Tom couldn't help the huge smile he got when he saw that Raven had emailed him or the chuckle of delight that escaped when he saw what she had written.

After giving it some thought, I have decided that you are right. It's time we exchanged names and perhaps Skyped, or maybe talked on the phone first? I have to admit that I'm extremely nervous about this, but after talking to Hester about it, I agree that it's the only next logical step. So, I'll go first... Hey, B, I'm Desdemona or Desi for short... I guess it's your turn.

Tom let out a slow breath before he started typing out his response. 

It's wonderful to finally meet you, Desi. I'm so happy that you're ready to take this to the next level, and I'm sure that our friendship will only grow stronger because of it. So, as you put it so eloquently, I guess it's my turn. Hey Desi, I'm Thomas, or Tom for short.

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