Turkey And Surprises

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As Desi was pulling on her jeans, she heard a faint groan come from the bed and bit back a chuckle. She heard the bed linens rustle and looked over to see Tom sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?"

She grinned as she pulled a t-shirt over her head. "A little after four I think."

Tom gave another louder groan and she let her snicker be heard. "Bloody hell! Come back to bed, baby. It's too early to be getting dressed."

Desi shook her head as she walked over to sit on the edge of the bed and put her shoes on. She heard more rustling then felt Tom's arms come around her middle as she saw his long legs appear on either side of hers. "I can't. It's Thanksgiving. I have to go help Gran with the baking."

She felt Tom yawn against her shoulder before he placed a kiss on her neck. "Come back to bed and I'll give you something to be thankful for."

Desi felt her blood pressure escalate at the thought of what that statement implied as she gently extricated herself from his grasp. She turned and gave him a quick kiss before he could drag her onto the bed with him. "As much as that appeals to me, and believe me it does, I have to go. Now, go back to sleep. I'll wake you before the parade starts so you can watch with the others."

He grunted out what she assumed was agreement as she quietly opened the bedroom door and let herself out.


Desi watched Gran roll out the dough for the pies and wondered what she has on her mind. She hadn't said much since they had met in the kitchen, mostly working silently. She assumed she'd get around to saying whatever it was in her own time, and made myself useful slicing apples. As Desi figured, she finally broke her silence a few minutes later.

"Have you given any thought to what you'll do when Tom is ready to head back to London?"

Desi sighed and shook her head as she grabbed another bag of apples from the pantry. "Nope, sure haven't. It's not like I was expecting any of this. I suppose right now I'm just coasting along. I don't really want to give it much thought. I know I'll miss him when he leaves. Other than that? I don't want to dwell on it."

Gran nodded as she laid the pie crust in the pan, smoothing it out before crimping the edges. These were Desi's favorite moments, just her and Gran in the kitchen, working in tandem. 

"Well, you don't have to miss him, do you? I mean, you could go with him."

Desi looked up from what she was doing to see her grandmother looking at her. "No, I can't. We've had this discussion already, remember? Where's all of this coming from?"

Gran sighed as she slid the pie into the oven and set the timer. She walked over to sit across from Desi at the table. She reached across with one old hand, taking the knife from Desi's and laying it on the table before taking her hand in hers. 

"I know we've discussed it, but I don't want to see you lose something good, and honey, Tom is something good."

Desi shook her head and gave her a small grin. "If it's meant to be, it will be."

Gran just shook her head as about the same time they heard the front door open and shut, then Hester was walking into the room ahead of Elmer. Desi heard footsteps running down the stairs before Tom appeared in shorts and a t-shirt. He shook hands with Elmer before kissing Hester and Gran each on the cheek. Desi got a full kiss as he leaned down and smiled at her.

"What are you doing up? I thought you went back to sleep."

He shook his head, chuckling as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Well, darling, there was a cold spot in our bed, and I couldn't get back to sleep without you, so I'm going for a run. That should take the edge off the early morning frustration I'm feeling."

Desi snickered and leaned up to whisper back to him, fully aware that everyone in the room was watching them. "Well, if that doesn't work, perhaps a nap later will help?" 

She heard him give a soft groan and snickered louder as he backed away from her with a look of pure lust in his eyes, although when he turned around to face everyone else, there was only a look of innocence there. With a quick goodbye, he was out the door into the early morning darkness. Elmer got shooed out of the kitchen by Gran as she went to get their dad up, leaving Desi and Hester alone. They worked in companionable silence for a few minutes before Hes turned to Desi with a frown. 

"Are you ok with Elmer being here this year? I know you two dated, but... "

Desi chuckled. "Hester, we dated once. It's fine, really. Elmer and I just weren't going to work as a couple. I'm sure he's a great guy, but I'm fine with him being here with you." Hester nodded with a look of relief as Desi grinned at her. "So, it's getting serious between you two? You don't usually invite men you're dating to a family meal."

Hester elbowed Desi, making her snicker as she rolled her eyes and blushed. "Your guy is coming too, don't forget."

Desi snorted as she got the turkey out of the fridge and start preparing it for baking. "Yeah, well, I didn't have much say about that, since he's a paying guest and all."

Hester gave her sister a look before coming over to sling an arm around her shoulders at the sink. "I'm really happy for you and Tom, you know. He makes you happy as I've never seen you."

Desi blew out a breath and smiled at her, lifting a brow. "Well, let's just hope that doesn't end when he leaves."


Desi's father tapped the edge of his glass with his knife, getting everyone's attention. She grinned as she knew what was coming: their dad's annual Thanksgiving toast. The kids were being rambunctious at the kid's table in the kitchen, not paying the adults any mind at all as their dad waited for everyone to stop talking and look his way. He looked serious, and Desi began to wonder if this would be his usual joking toast when he started to speak and she herself was left speechless.

"My grandparents opened Humphries House at the end of World War II, and it's been a bed and breakfast ever since, but it's also been our home. This old house has seen a lot of loving, a lot of tears, and a lot of sadness. It's also seen its share of prosperity and hard times, in equal measure. Your mother and I raised all of you here, as mama and daddy raised me. All three of you kids were born in this house." He looked at each of his children with unshed tears in his eyes and Desi's heart ached for whatever he was going through with these memories. "Your mother died in this house, right upstairs in our bedroom, as did my daddy in his." She felt Tom squeeze her hand under the table as her dad went on talking. "When my daddy died, I took over his place as the man of the house. It was a burden I didn't take lightly, but I took it gladly, knowing that mama needed the help to run the B&B. It's similar to what Desi is going through now, with my failing health. I know the stress it puts on a body, believe me." He stopped to gather his thoughts, heaving a quiet sigh before continuing. "I'm telling you all this for a reason." He looked over at Robert and winked before grinning. "I'm not just a rambling old man, honest." He looked at Desi and the sadness on his face took her breath away. "I never wanted this for you, Des. You shouldn't have to feel beholden to this pile of wood and nails out of family duty."

Desi leaned forward to cut him off. "Daddy, I don't feel... "

He waved a hand to silence her. "I know what you're going to say, darlin', and thank you for it, but it's not necessary." He looked at Gran as she took his hand and squeezed it. "Your Gran and I have decided to sell Humphries House. It will go on the market at the start of the new year."

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