A Walk In The Woods

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After hastily throwing together a picnic lunch for the two of them, Desi led Tom off into the woods behind the house. He was hoping that he'd be able to talk to her about her decision to stay in Georgia, but he didn't want to push her. He knew from talking with Hester that she was very sensitive about the subject, but he really just wanted to know where he stood with her. If she was determined to stay there but wanted to pursue a relationship with him, then they would adjust and figure that out. After walking for a while, and engaging in small talk along the way, they broke through the tree line into an utterly idyllic setting. There was a small pond in the middle of a clearing with a few benches along the side of the water. 

Instead of heading for a bench, Desi grabbed Tom's hand and pulled him over to a grassy spot not too far from the bank, pulling a blanket out of the basket. After he helped her to spread it on the ground, they sat and started unpacking the basket of food. Tom opened the bottle of wine she had snatched from the cellar as she laid out plates of cold cuts, cheese and a freshly baked loaf of bread. After removing a small bowl of potato salad and some pickles, she chuckled to herself as she produced the last item from the basket: Hobnobs. Tom grabbed his chest and looked longingly at the package of biscuits.

"Darling, I'm yours forever."

She laughed loudly before holding the package behind her back. "Uh-huh, sure you are. These are for dessert, so eat up."

Tom winked at her as he picked up two slices of bread and started making a sandwich. Between bites, he started to subtly ask questions. hoping she wouldn't close up on him before he got the information he was looking for.

"So... have you made your decision on what you're doing?"

Desi looked at him with one brow raised as she chewed thoughtfully. "I thought I was clear about that before. I plan on staying here and helping out like I should have all along." She shook her head. "I should have never left. It just put too much strain on dad."

Tom reached over and took her hand in his. "Desi, you have to know that isn't true. Whether you were here or not, your dad wouldn't have slowed down until he was made to. I know that somewhere in there you realize that." He sighed before taking a sip of wine then looking into her eyes. He smiled and squeezed her hand. "If you could do anything in the world, anything at all, what would it be?' He sat his glass down and tapped her on the chest with his index finger, directly over her heart. "No responsibility, just your heart's desire. What would it be?"

She gave him a sad smile before squeezing his hand back. "You know my answer to that."

Tom shook his head, grinning at her as she scooted closer to his side. "No, I don't. I want to hear you say it. What would it be?"

Desi looked him directly in the eye and Tom felt his breath catch at the emotion he saw swirling through her hazel eyes. "I would be on the first plane to London. You see, there's this guy that I... well, I suppose I might love him. I'd want to be with him, wherever he is."

Tom felt his own eyes well up with emotion as he stared back at the woman who was quickly becoming the most important thing in his small world. He swallowed around the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat and smiled at her. "Well, I happen to know the bloke you speak of, and I have it upon good authority that he may very well feel the same way about you, but... " He saw a look of panic flash across her face and smiled bigger. "I want you to know, that we can work through this. It's just a part of our lives, and we'll figure it out if you truly want to be with me. If that means that we both earn a lot of frequent flyer miles, then that's just how it will have to be."

"You don't mind? I mean, most men want their girlfriends to be on the same continent, and I would understand if you did. I just can't give you that right now."

Tom shook his head and leaned in to steal a kiss. "It doesn't matter. Not right now, at any rate. We have plenty of time to worry about logistics, darling."

She sighed before laying back on the blanket, pulling him down with her to watch the clouds roll by and just be still together. Tom must have dozed off, because the next thing he knew, Desi was shaking him awake and telling him it was time to head home for dinner. Tom followed right behind her, content for the moment that they have resolved some things between them.


Desi finished helping Hester with the dishes and walked her out to her car before going in search of Gran. As she walked back inside, she saw Idris coming out of the kitchen and grinned at him. "Have you seen Gran? I needed to ask her about the grocery list for tomorrow."

He laughed and pointed in the direction of the family room. "She and Tom were in there the last time I checked. Something about showing him the family albums?"

With dawning horror, Desi vaulted past him, muttering under her breath about meddling grandmothers, much to his delight. She came to halt in the doorway of the family room, finding Gran with a photo album in her lap, and Tom snickering over something. She cleared her throat and Gran looked up first since Tom suddenly seems transfixed by one of the pictures.

"There you are, Desi! We were wondering where you got off to. I was just showing Tom some of your baby pictures."

Tom looked up at Desi with an overwhelmingly lecherous look on his face, although when he spoke, it was his normal innocent self. "Yes, darling. We just made it to the teen years. Tell me, you wouldn't still have your old cheerleading uniform, would you? Because I would love to see that."

Gran laughed and smacked Tom on the arm. "Tom, you devil! I don't think she still has it, but I will say that I bet she could still fit into it if she did."

The look Desi received at that information made her blush to the roots of her hair. He bit his lip and she watched that action with rapt attention until she saw his lips curl into a slow smile. "That's a pity. I suppose we'll have to work out something else, then."

Desi sucked in a breath, wondering what she was supposed to do with boyfriend Tom.

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