Wrestling Practice

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"Darling, there's a dripping noise in my room."

Desi looked up from the episode of The Walking Dead that she was watching to find Tom, in his pajamas, standing in the doorway to the family room. Everyone else had already gone to bed, leaving the house quiet. She gave him a perplexed look as she sat up on the pull-out bed.

"Tom, there isn't a bathroom in my room. I don't know what you would be hearing."

He shook his head as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know, Des, but something is dripping. A leak in the roof perhaps?"

She shook her head and swung her feet to the floor, grabbing her robe as she stood up. Desi quickly covered up her tank top and sleep shorts. "We haven't had rain in a couple of weeks. It can't be a leak in the roof. I would have noticed one before now. I'll go check it out."

Tom followed close behind her as she made her way up the stairs. "I'm so sorry to disturb you darling, but it's driving me crazy. I wouldn't have woken you otherwise."

She shook her head as she opened the door of her bedroom and stepped inside. "I wasn't asleep. I was just watching tv."

Before she could say anything else, her back was suddenly against the door and she was having the living daylights kissed out of her. It was like Tom was a starving man and Desi was the only buffet for miles. He lifted her up to his level by the waist, making her wrap her legs around his waist to anchor herself. After several minutes that had her moaning and running her fingers through his hair, he lifted his head and smiled at her.

"I'm not really sorry, Des. I couldn't take it anymore. Sleeping in your bed, surrounded by your scent on the sheets. It was driving me absolutely insane, darling. Forgive me?"

Desi pretended to think about it for a moment before grinning at him. "Only if you do that again. I liked it... a lot."

With a growl, he moved in for seconds, locking his lips on hers as his hands planted firmly on her behind as he swung away from the door toward the bed. Desi was becoming lost in the sensation of his lips moving against hers, part of her wondering why it took her this long to get here. She moaned out loud as her back hit the mattress and she felt his weight on top of her, exactly where he should be. She gave out a sigh as Tom lifted his head to give her a worried look.

"What's wrong, darling? Too soon?"

Desi bit her lip as she shook her head, reaching up to run her fingers over the sharp planes of his face. "No, I just... I feel like I've wasted so much time, you know? This could have been us ages ago, but I had to be stubborn."

Tom grinned down at her before kissing her on the nose. "Well, that's all true, but we're here now, and that's the important thing, don't you think? This isn't really the time to discuss past regrets, darling." He moved his head to nibble on the pulse point in her neck, his hand traveling up from her waist to close around her breast, squeezing slightly. "Eyes on the prize, my love. We have all night and I'm just getting started."

Desi started giggling as he bit down harder on her neck, making her squeal through her laughter. The sound of his own chuckles muffled against her neck joined hers as they both finally got what they'd needed for so long.


The Next Morning

"This is so embarrassing."

Desi heard a snicker and looked behind her as Tom pulls on a t-shirt over his perfect abs. He shook his head, still laughing quietly, as he walked over to where she was standing with her ear against the door. He pulled her back against his chest slightly as he leaned over to plant a kiss on his favorite spot on her neck.

"I really don't see what's so embarrassing, Des. Everyone out there already knows that we are together, and by now they've already discovered that you aren't in your bed in the family room. We might take some good-natured ribbing, but I think that's probably the extent of it."

She sighed before pulling away from him to walk over to her dresser, pulling out a clean shirt and a pair of jeans. "Well, I might as well go ahead and get dressed for the day. I'll meet you downstairs."

He laughed as he walked over and plopped down on the bed, evidently intent on watching her get dressed. "I can wait for you. We'll face the mob together."

By the time she was dressed and they had made it downstairs, everyone else was already gathered in the dining room for breakfast. They received knowing looks from everyone except Gran, who just looked at Desi strangely.

"Where were you? I went to wake you up, but you weren't in bed."

Desi said the first thing that occurred to her, cringing after the fact. "Tom had a leak."

She heard a loud snort come from Ben as she saw Robert lift a brow at her answer. He looked at Tom and smirked. "You should see a doctor for that, man." He laughed and reached a hand out to catch the muffin Tom launched at his head before winking at Desi. He took a bite of the muffin before directing his next words to her with a wink. "You two should really not wrestle around so much at night. We were below you and let me tell ya, it kept me awake."

Desi knew she turned five shades of red, and she was about to come back at him when her nephew Kevin, who had spent the night last night, looked at her in wonder. "You know how to wrestle Aunt Desi? Can you teach me?"

Robert waited for the laughter to die down before answering Kevin for Desi, earning him a glare from her. "Oh, I don't think I'd ask her to teach you. By the sound of things, she kept getting pinned. Isn't that right... Uncle Tom?"

She heard Tom laughing quietly from beside her and shake her head as a chuckle started to bubble up out of her own throat. This was going to be a really long day.

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