『to replace you』

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I shifted beneath the heavy quilt, furthering my body from the forgein skin touching mine. She was a bandaid to a permanent problem ~ I was missing you.

She grumbles something before whipping the covers off of her bare skinned self. "Adrian," she sings, her voice hovering above my head. She sways her hips and comes a little closer, the sleep from her eyes vanquished by lust.

"Get out," I say coldly, finding an artic blast within my vocal cords. Her face warps into a shocked then hurt expression, folding her bottom lip into a pout. She picks up her clothes and shuffles to the bathroom, eyes staying on my stiff posture.

I myself am undressed as well and vulnerable to the frigid winds billowing through the window. My gaze hardens on a flake of dust fluttering through the air and before I know it, I can hear the door slam. She must be offended that I stripped her of both her clothes and dignity. Fortunately, that thought doesn't linger long because as soon as the door shuts, my eyes weigh down on my consciousness and I'm out like a light.

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