【they said they loved me】

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In defense of sorrow, I couldn't live without it. It was oxygen in a world polluted with black pollen and subtle smoke pillars. We live by temporary medication for permanent problems, but he isn't a little pill, he isn't prozac- he's acceptance. He's equal. He just wants to be loved.

I just wanna be loved.

He's cleans my wounds with a soft tongue and leaves them wishing they hadn't scarred over just so he could kiss them again.

He lies to me with a gentle laugh and a setting sun attitude.

He is something.


Adrian is something. I still see him with eyes that are hazed over darker than the deepest vein. Adrian's everything shifted two steps back into the heavy influence of sad boy aesthetic down to the beginning of fog. A mist surrounds him that's dark and serene, but there's a pulsing light of a young boys heart begging to come out again.

Rhys is worried; he tells me that Adrian has been marvelling in the eyes of many who walk the streets at night with illegal stories under their fingernails. He tells me Adrian has become an inverted spiral and nobody can reach him.

I deliver a message to his heart.

"For all of those sickly sweet smiles running late, leave me behind. There is nothing more to me than a graveyard and there is more to you than a galaxy. Perhaps on a sunny day, we'll dance again."

I love you painfully.

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